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I hope everyone enjoys this month whether you're part of the lgbt community or just an ally. But if ur homophobic or transphobic or just an asshole then FUCK OFF PLEASE 👍🏻🖕.

If u guys have read my bio then you know that I'm bi 😊🦋 (they should really add other pride flag emojis) 🌈 .

I am out to my friends for a while now and the majority of them were amazing and supportive (and the ones that weren't I'm no longer in contact with). I'm not out to my family yet, and to be honest I don't know if I'll ever be brave enough to. ( not that my family isn't supportive - because I'm pretty sure they are).

But anyways that's enough of me ranting. I hope u guys have a lovely pride month. And if you're safe and out, then be yourself to the maximum this month because you are amazing and no one can tell you different. 🌈🏳️‍🌈

And for those that are totally in the closet or partially in the closet like me, I ❤ you guys and don't let anyone pressure you into doing anything. Enjoy pride month, even if it's only eating some skittles or mnm's on the couch 😊😉

And for any allies here (even though I'm pretty sure most of wattpad is lgbt in some way 😂) have a great pride month too and carry on showing support to the lgbt community. Though it may not feel like a lot, you are a great help 😘

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