Wakanda (Part 1)

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           (Author Note: Forgive me for the names of the children, do you know how hard it is to name Wakandan children?! LMFAO)

            A couple of months had passed since Bucky was placed in his cryogenic sleep. Alex was indeed given asylum from T'Challa. She was set up with a small hut down by a large lake. Shuri fixed her arms, giving her new black and red vibrainium arms. They could easily camoflage into a regular skinned form like her last ones. But the children in Wakanda were so supportive with her showing her true arms she left it like that. Many events had happened in Wakanda, a giant battle with T'Challa and a man named N'Jadaka. He went under the alias as Killmonger. Alex helped defend Wakanda with her new vibrainium arms. The chip was no longer a problem, since Shuri had found a way to implant her new device into Alex's neck.

            Alex's blue eyes opened, she squinted at the bright beams of the sunlight. She could hear chuckling from some children. They always found Alex amusing and loved to torment her. One of them was playing with Alex's grown black hair.
            "T'Skay what are you doing back there?" Alex chuckled trying to view the laughing child. She sat up and felt the child tugging on her hair.
            "I'm not done Sparky!" The little girl pulled again. Alex groaned and laid back down, chuckling at the new nickname she was given. She felt the dog tags slide down from her chest and she reached up to stop them from falling further. Ever since Bucky went to sleep, she never took them off.
             "Done!" The child exclaimed proudly. Alex slowly got up and noticed that the child had braided her hair and put some flowers in it.
             "Well, I'm not going to turn down a free makeover." Alex smiled. The children in her hut smiled at her and laughed.
             "The King has requested your presence by the way!" Another child chimed in. Alex looked over at him and rubbed her tired eyes.
             "When does he need me there?" Alex yawned and rested her hand on her chin. The children smirked and snorted hiding they're laughters.
             "F'Tunay? When does he need me there?" Alex stared at the child who made the announcement. She knew that damn look on the kids faces.
             "Shit!" Alex immediately jumped up, fighting to throw her shoes on. She didn't wear the same garments that the Wakandans offered. Steve was able to bring her some new clothing.
             "Sparky! That's two dollars in the swear jar!" T'Skay gasped dramatically. Alex rolled her eyes and struggled to find her other shoe.
             "Okay, who has seen my other shoe?!" Alex announced looking at all the little monsters. They all pointed at a child right by the doorway, he was chuckling holding Alex's boot. Alex brought her hands up slowly.
             "Atem, surrender the boot and no one will get hurt!" Alex jokingly threatened. Atem smirked evily at Alex before he took off running out the doorway. Alex charged fast after him while the other children followed. Cheering their friend on in the chase. Alex almost tripped over a rock when she ended up near the lake. She was able to snake the small child's arm and got the boot from him. He laughed when the others immediately tackled the girl. Alex let them take her down to the ground, knowing damn well she could easily take them. Alex heard a familiar chuckle and looked up past one of the children's feet. T'Challa was standing above her smiling down at her.
             "You have a way with children Miss Stark." T'Challa chuckled. Alex went to reply when a child placed his foot on her cheek pushing it into her face.
             "I think they are more dangerous than your guards!" Alex was able to mumble out. T'Challa let out another laugh at the words that blubbered out of her mouth.
              "Okay children, scatter! I do need to speak with Miss Stark." T'Challa clapped his hands, the children climbed off of her and disperesed. They said goodbye to her and ran off to go and pick on someone else. Alex laid on the grass and caught her breath.
              "Sorry, I'm late to our meeting. I was kinda jumped." Alex apologized trying to gain her breath. T'Challa reached down and helped the girl up. He picked the grass out of her messy black hair and tugged at the braid she was given.
              "I should have sent a guard, the children insisted of getting you. They are very fond of you." T'Challa chuckled as he let her braid drop to her shoulder. Alex bent down to put her boot on her foot.
              "I still think they are more deadly than the Dora Milajae" Alex let out a laugh as she clipped the clips on her boots. She stood up and cracked her neck.
              "Anyway, we need to get to the lab. It worked." T'Challa announced. Alex's heart dropped, she almost fell over.
              "The algorithim worked?" Alex's jaw dropped. This meant she would be reunited with Bucky again. T'Challa nodded and smiled at her. Alex and Shuri have been working on a algorithim to elimiate the code words from Bucky's mind.
              "We have begun to transport him into a hut beside yours for recovery. But we need to do one more thing to ensure it worked." T'Challa explained as the two begun to walk towards the main building. Alex frowned and crossed her arms as they walked.
              "What is that?" Alex questioned after a short while, they were almost at the building. T'Challa stopped on the walkway and noticed that they were moving Bucky already. Alex saw it and wanted to run to his side, T'Challa snaked her arm as she went to move.
              "I am sending Ayo in tomorrow to take him to a secure location and see if it worked. I want to keep you away until we are certain." T'Challa explained painfully as the guards walked past with Bucky. Alex snapped her head to T'Challa.
              "What do you mean? He isn't going to hurt me T'Challa." Alex pressed on, she knew it.
              "I know my dear, but all you can do right now is be patient. We need to be sure it worked." T'Challa placed his hands on the girls vibranium shoulders. Alex turned her head, watching the guards leave the compound.
              "Will I be able to see him when he wakes up?" Alex questioned. She turned her head back to him, remembering what Bucky told her before he was frozen. T'Challa looked at her and shook his head.
              "I'm sorry Alex, but we need to do this first. I promise you, you will be by his side in no time. Just please trust me and my guards." T'Challa apologized. Alex felt immediate pain in her chest. All she wanted was to be there when he woke up. Okoyoe cleared her throat as she walked up to them.
              "Excuse me my King, but I will gladly stay at Alex's side when he wakes up." Okoyoe announced. Alex turned her head fast to the Dora Milajae, she was a close friend to T'Challa. T'Challa turned his head sharply, almost trying to tell her to leave.
              "T'Challa, Bucky wanted to see me when he woke. I don't want him to be disappointed." Alex's blue eyes travelled back to him. T'Challa sighed with defeat.
              "Fine! But if something happen's you will have to deal with him." T'Challa pointed in Alex's face. She rolled her eyes and nodded.
              "Of course. I wouldn't let anyone get hurt." Alex promised giving his arm a playful slap. T'Challa laughed at her excitement.
              "Anyway, I guess we wasted time coming all the way over here. Why don't you head on home? When he wakes, I will be back." T'Challa gave her vibranium arm a squeeze. She nodded and turned to leave. T'Challa spoke to Okoyoe in Xhosa. Alex knew what it meant, since the children were teaching her their native tongue. He asked Okoyoe to go with her. It was a quiet walk back to the small village.

             Alex was greeted by the children once again once they arrived. She picked one of the smaller children up. T'Skay tugged on her belt.
             "Did you see the man they brought here?" She looked up at Alex.
             "Yes, yes I did. He is a very close friend of mine who needed help." Alex kneeled down, the small child she was holding was now playing with her hair.
             "How close of a friend?" Atem chimed in, he was kicking a rock close by. Alex turned her head to his direction.
             "Very close." She couldn't quite explain the relationship to the children.
             "Those tags around your neck, do they belong to him?" F'Tunay asked her, tugging on the chain. Alex nodded in reply.
             "I bet they are lovers!" T'Skay blurted out loud enough for everyone to shift their heads to the scene. Alex felt her face grow red. Atem huffed and kicked the rock again.
             "Atem, is that jealousy I sense?" Alex called over to him.
             "No, not at all." He frowned and remained in his place. Alex chuckled and set the child in her arms down on the ground. She stood and walked over to him. T'Skay started singing a very familiar tune about Alex and Atem 'sitting in a tree'. Alex crouched next to the small child and snapped her head to the crowded children.
             "Okay guys enough. It's okay Atem. Your cute but I'm sorry, my heart belongs to someone else." Alex rested her hand on the child's small shoulder.
             "It's okay Sparky, your not my type anway." Atem replied shrugging and kicked the rock. Alex bursted out laughing at the reply from the child. A very familiar voice reached Alex's ear canals.
             "Well, she is definitely my type." Alex's head shot up immediately, she almost lost her balance in her crouching position. Bucky was standing in a doorway of the hut next to hers. The two Dora Milagae guards watched him cautiously. Okoyoe ordered them to stand down. Alex slowly stood up and ran right into his chest. Her arms embraced him. He held her tightly, trying to fight the urge to cry.
              "I missed you, I dreamed about you." Bucky spoke into her ear. He gave her a kiss on the side of her head. Alex let her tears fall from her face.
              "I'm so glad your awake! And you remembered me." She pulled herself away from him. Bucky chuckled and slowly reached up to the dog tags dangling from her chest. He smiled down at them before he looked into her blue eyes.
              "I recall telling you I wanted to see the woman I love wearing these, Alex I could never forget you." He dropped the dog tags and placed his hand underneath her chin and pulled her head up. He brought his face in, planting a soft kiss on her lips. She felt whole again, knowing Bucky would be okay. The children behind her made a huge commotion at the scene making them both break the kiss. Alex turned to face the kids.
              "Really guys?!" Alex moaned in aggitation at them. They screamed and scattered, except for Atem who stood his ground. Alex made a face and looked at him.
              "That's not cool." Atem pouted and ran off. Leaving Alex in a bowl of laughter. Bucky frowned and chuckled looking at his lover.
              "What in the hell was that about?" He asked as he wrapped his right arm around Alex pulling her into another hug. He placed his lips on her head. Alex laughed and wrapped her arms around his broad figure.
              "I don't know, I think you have some competion though." Alex said between her laughter. Bucky made a face.
              "That kid is gonna kill me." Was his reply.

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