03. the cullens, part two

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THE Cullen house had certainly seen better days

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THE Cullen house had certainly seen better days. Regardless of immortality or not, exhaustion ran high amongst the inhabitants as they sat in silence waiting. They awaited the sound of Emmett's return after following Gemma home to ensure she made it safely. His Jeep was loud, his heavy footsteps were too as he clanged his way through the house being purposefully obnoxious as he knew what was coming. More serious talks- conversations of the future and threats and concerns for their livelihoods. More drama surrounding Miss Bella Swan that was now upped if her sister was to be involved. A long day of fighting and ending long term enemies, only to end the day on a sour note.

Emmett had a devious smirk on his face as he entered the room where everyone sat practically unmoving. He could sense the tension and the discomfort of Bella who was squirming on the couch. It wasn't hard to read the room and even if Edward thought his head was empty- he surely understood more than those credited him with.

"Your sister's cute Bells." Emmett proclaimed as he plopped himself onto the couch, not bothering to take off his shoes as he placed them on the coffee table. He saw the look Esme shot at him from where she sat, simply saying 'not the time.'

"I think I forget you even have a sister most the time." Rosalie murmured under her breath as she leaned into Nancy.

"I could feel the extreme worry and anger radiating off of her Bella," Jasper added. "her emotions were almost too much for me, I would've wanted to do something about it but it would make things... hard."

"I just want to keep her safe, to keep her out of all this." Bella exclaimed, "it's why we aren't close anymore like you all heard, it's for the best."

"Seems like you've made it worse for her." Rosalie commented with a tinge of annoyance, "if she starts snooping around..."

"She won't." Bella interjected.

"Seems like she already is. Besides she clearly doesn't like Eddie here."

"Rose," Nancy cooed, "it's already complicated enough especially with Gemma showing up like that. Especially with the timing... no need to drive more of a wedge."

"Bella's had a long day, she needs rest." Edward commented.

"I agree, we all need to recuperate in our own ways." Carlisle added.

"Edward," Bella stated with new intent to her words, "what was she thinking?"


"I know I asked you to not listen to her thoughts but..."

He sighed, "she's like your father, her thoughts I can read are limited but even more so than his. Yet she was concerned for you, wants to know why you care for us more." it was hard to ignore the screaming words muffled in her mind like a jumbled ball hitting him full force for once. Normally, there was radio silence with static of words coming from Gemma to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2023 ⏰

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