Chap 4 .^.

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__At le dorms__

Everyone one was out enjoying their recess at the canteens or out in the fields . The only person left was Bakugo ... or so he thought.

Bakugo pov~
I looked around , checking if anyone was there as I slipped a pocket knife into my pockets . I then went into the toilet closing the door as softly as I could not wanting to attract any attention. As soon as the door closed , I could feel tears dripping down my face as if a "crying" button has been activated. Thoughts on how I was useless and that I should die went through my mind as I took out the knife and started cutting . I knew this was wrong but what could I do , I deserve this . As I saw the blood dripping down the underside of my hand , I wanted to scream for help , I wanted to die on the spot . I slapped myself , You deserve this , you don't deserve any help ... I told myself as I continued .

Deku's pov-
As I went to my dorm room to collect something . I saw the toilet light on . Who could be up here at this time ? Shouldn't everyone be down stairs ? I asked myself . I could hear soft crying sounds coming from the bathroom . Stepping closer to it , I heard Kacchan's voice . He sounded as if he was in pain , I couldn't just stand here , I had to do something . I opened the door slightly to see my friend cutting while crying . There were pools of blood on the floor and a bloody knife on the right side of kacchan hands and the left full with scars and wounds . I teared . It pains me to see this , it pains me to see him in pain with no one to help , to be there with him .

(Sorry . I promised that I would update yesterday , however I had a lot of homework yesterday and didn't had the time . )

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