3. Federal Prison

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"Everyone step in line! Inmate 202315 hands behind your back while walking!!"

This my fucking life living in the Federal Prison, I been in this bitch for nine months. I heard my ex had kids from me. She moved in a different house. Hell I don't know where she at and her number the same but, she don't answer. I'm in this prison for twenty years, they say I had sex with a sixteen year old three years ago. The brat told me she was older so, yes I hit but, she couldn't believe that I hit and, quit now I'm locked up for fucking a sixteen year old because she hurt that I hit it and quit it. I actually got ten years in the pin for that but, before they could take me in. I wanted sex from my girl..,well ex girl she was innocent in the vagina area and, we were together for like two years. I already knew my life was about to end so, why not get pussy hell had been beating my meat for a couple years. She found out that my ass was actually going to prison for underage sex, my girl bounced and, got a fucking condo. I got to her in the middle of the night and, took everything she cherished that was her beautiful pussy. I made another mistake by coming inside her and, she was able to get checked and my semen matched now I'm serving Twenty years.
Don't nobody fuck with me in the past couple months motherfuckers have tried to rape me, stab my and kill me. Thank the lord, I fight like I'm nobody's bitch.

I'm in block A the most dangerous place to be! These men are homosexuals who love to fuck my ass suddenly ended up in here now I'm a main target. It's better than Block C those men were out for blood I was fighting for my life left and, right. If I would have known that I'll end up in this predicament I would have kept my dick in my pants real shit.

I heard the devil is coming here his name is Kodi McKnight but, everyone call him "Devil" they say he quiet like you wouldn't know he was dangerous he has been in Block B and transferred to Block C. He is quiet but, dangerous and you wouldn't know if he killed anyone but, they say his hands can knock a bitch out. They also say he been out the Prison for six years, and supposedly he is now a correctional officer for this prison. They say he arrive today and, they mostly say he hate people who disrespect they mama, rape a child or woman and, much more. Those were his biggest hateful things.

You guessed it they claim he wanna talk to me. I'm not scared of nobody so, we can box this shot out the best man win. Right now we put in the lunch room sitting around I mean Block A, Block B and Block C is in here man everyone didn't say nothing to me for the first time plus I'm sitting by myself with some gay men..bruh I hope they know I don't swing that way period.

"Everyone chill out, we have a ex con coming in he is somewhat a changed man and, decided since he changed after leaving he got to school for correctional officer we lend him a hand and, gave him the job. Now welcome Officer McKnight."

Everyone roars from excitement to see the Devil, walk in the room. I can't lie he seem like a buff Correctional officer but, his face holds no emotion as he looked at all of us his eyes never land on me. He cleared his throat and the deepest voice came out his mouth but, it was enough to have these gays wanna drop.

"I been here once upon a time . I'm known as devil in the streets and in this prison. I don't have a bad reputation I'm known as the man that killed his mother husband because he abused my mama. I don't regret what I did but, my mama had told me when I leave this place she want me to fix my life so, I did..my momma is my queen and, she always got my back since I been in her stomach. So to pay her back I fixed my shit. Now we all make mistakes and some of us make choices but, the most evil man can have a small heart for someone.
I have had the opportunity to work here and, believe me don't try me because, I'm not the one. I heard we got a new coward in here I wanna meet him."

Everyone moved away and, I'm left in a seat in the opening for him to see me. We made eye contact and his eyes turn eyes cold, his face stone cold hard. He walk towards me looking at my pink shirt that means I'm in here for molestation.
"Who you molested nigga?"
"My ex."
His eyes looked in mines as he knew more to the story.
"How is she?"
"I don't know when she got me locked up I haven't heard from her I think she just had newborn kids from me."
"So you take a woman and, use her than because of what you did she bounced on you. Now she got newborn babies from you. I don't blame her if you can touch some one you might just touch the babies she cautious. Listen give me her got damn name."
"Princess Solo."
He froze for a bit from the name but, he went back to his self. Everyone mouth dropped from the way McKnight, clenched his fist in and out. 

He looked me in my eyes "You better watch out because, every block is after you starting today."
"What you use prisoners."
"I'm a correctional officer so, I can't lose my job believe me you will know why the call me Devil."

He backed away I need witness protection quickly my life might just end quicker than I thought....

A/N - what do you think about Kodi freezing while hearing  Selena name and, what will happen to this inmate?

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