[ 16 ] 𝗛𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘄𝗮𝘆𝘀

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LONG CHAPTER ! i probably won't update for a week

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LONG CHAPTER ! i probably won't update for a week .

" do you want to be my girlfriend ? "
" what ? "
" did i stutter ? " , levi says grabbing your neck softly giving you a kiss .
" yea "

you sit they're making out for a while until erwin and a random girl  enters the room and stares at for yall for a minute until you both notice the door had opened.

" what " , levi says emerging from under the sheets .

you stay under as levi stares at erwin while erwin is smirking at levi .

" again . * silence * what " , levi says leaning back

erwins slowly closes the door and starts laughing loudly so you both can hear .

" and i thought they said they weren't doing anything " , erwin yells .

levi gets up and lock the door and then gets back under the cover . you start laughing then stop cause your laugh was weird then you kept laughing cause your laugh made you laugh . levi pulled your bodies together and kissed you . levi phones dings and he pulls you and him from under the cover and checks his messages .

" y/n erwin said the rains slowing down , he's taking that girl home he wanted to see if he wanted to take you home but and i quote y'all seems like having fun so " , levi says snickering putting his phone back down .

" oh " , you say laughing

" you wanna stay the night here and i'll take you to school tommorow? " , levi says smirking .

" uh . i don't have any clothes " , you say laying down on his pillows

" i'll ask erwin to buy you some " , levi says grabbing his phone

" no no it's only like 1 or 2 pm just take me back to my apartment around 9 ok ? "

" mhm " , levi says laying down

you grab your phone and text veronica and re assures her you'll be there by 9 and you text your friends and family to make sure they're okay from last night .

you looked out the window and saw the sun was finally coming back out . you scoot over and layed on levi's chest . and soonly fell asleep .

you woke up to someone pulling you from under a blanket .

" get up , i let you sleep in " , you hear a tired voice say .

you start scratching your eye and repose it's levi .

" it's 5pm and you wanted to leave at 9 right ", levi says lifting you off the bed .

after he makes you stand up he throws a random t-shirt and pants at you .

" change into that i'm going to your apartment " , levi says grabbing his keys

" ah it stopped raining ? " you say changing behind the door .

𝔍𝖚𝖘𝖙 𝖋𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖉𝖘 ( 𝖑𝖊𝖛𝖎 𝖝 𝖋𝖊𝖒 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗 )Where stories live. Discover now