Chapter Thirteen

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I put the steaming cup of coffee to my lips, unable to tear my eyes away from the TV.

"The disappearance of Camryn and Riley Hastings has taken the entire state of New York by storm. Thousands of volunteers showed up at the park where Camryn's car was found to do a foot search yesterday afternoon. They joined the entire Hastings Family, including Senator Sidney Hastings himself. Camryn is married to Hastings' son Robert, who is a New York State Detective. The home he and his wife share was also subject to search early this morning. It's unclear if either search turned up any additional evidence, but the anticipation has everyone on their toes waiting for information."

Robby's face flashed on the screen again, fake tears pooling in his eyes. "All we want is to bring Camryn and Riley home safely. Whoever has them, we'll do whatever we have to. Just please, let them go."

For a second, I almost believed him. He played the part well, and it made my stomach turn. I hated the way he was drawing sympathy. Why didn't they report anything about the evidence Derek's team had planted? Why did they still think it was a stranger abduction?

We were safe now, but that wasn't enough for me. It was like now that we were away from him and I knew he couldn't hurt us, I wanted him to pay. I had been so focused on just getting away from him, but now that I could think clearly, I wanted him to suffer. I wanted him to hurt in every imaginable way, and I wanted him to be terrified the same way I was. And at the end of the day, I wanted him dead.

"Mommy, look! Daddy is on TV!" Riley chirped, skipping out of her bedroom. She was already over-the-moon excited. Today was the day that Derek was going to take us up in his plane to find whales.

I grabbed the remote and quickly shut it off so that she wouldn't hear anything that was being said.

"Yep!" I forced a smile. "Are you hungry? It's going to be a fun day—you better eat up!"

I handed her a bowl of cereal, hoping the change of subject would distract her. Derek had this place stocked with everything imaginable, but I wasn't feeling up to cooking just yet. Lucky Charms would have to suffice.

"Mommy, are we living here now?" She asked, shoving a bite into her mouth.

"We're just visiting for a while. Like a vacation!"

"Is daddy going to come on vacation with us?" She asked, glancing back at the TV.

I sucked in a sharp breath, trying to find the right words. How could I explain this to my five-year-old? How could I make her understand why we left and why we would never see her daddy again? I could give her an easy answer—that he was busy and couldn't join us—but it would just be putting off the inevitable.

"Sweetheart, daddy isn't going to come with us. It's just going to be you and me for a while. Is that okay?"

"And Derek?" She arched her eyebrow at me.

I let out a sharp laugh. "Derek will be with us for a while, yes. But even when he goes home, it's going to be you and me. Okay? Like partners!"

"And we won't see dad anymore?"

I shook my head. "I don't think so, Riley. No."

Riley shrugged her shoulders. "Okay. I don't like when daddy hurts you, anyway."

Her answer was a knife straight to my heart. All I wanted to do was protect Riley from what went on between Robby and I. I never wanted her to know the truth or what really happened, but apparently I was oblivious. I didn't know what she'd seen or heard, or how I didn't realize it.

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