23• official

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march 8, 2017

Today is another busy day on set. We have been doing nothing but fighting and acting scenes but i still have no idea really what's happening in the movie. I stayed up pretty late last night texting evans. We haven't talked that much in person just because we are both extremely busy. As of right now, I am so ready to jump into a relationship with this guy but there are so many other factors besides myself that would affect it. Like publicity for one. I hate public relationships, and I just don't want to have pressure from other people and social media. I'm starting to REALLY like this guy. I get a nice three hour break in between scenes so I decide to go back to my trailer and take an nap. Of course as soon as I walk in Sebastian is chilling on my couch. Why do people love my trailer so much???

Seb: Where is your dog??
( he says with the biggest smile on his face)


seb: yes! and of course also to see my favorite avenger!

: yeah whatever, he is sitting on my bed back there hold up,
( i walk over and grab my dog )

seb: he is so cute dylan and tiny!!

: i know! he is just a cute little pup!!

seb: okay now back to what i came here to talk about,

oh shit, what is it sebaloo

seb: what's going on with you and chris?

: well what did he tell you?

seb: i'm asking you dylan,

: jeez okay, i uhh- i'm not too sure but we had a date i guess the other day. i didn't even know it was a date... but we just talked soooo i don't know what you wanna hear seb

seb: he really likes you a lot, and him and mackie have said that something is holding you back

: well fuck! do all of y'all just talk about me now? that's actually annoying because he could've just asked me himself instead of sending his little messenger birds!

seb: chris didn't ask me to get "info" or whatever on you, i'm just worried for the guy. he's my best bud

: you think i'm gonna break his heart?

seb: i don't know what i think, i was just asking you as my friend. if you don't want me to tell chris then i won't, simple as that.

: i really like him, it's just at first I was extremely hesitant because of my ex- well that whole situation and then I lost a friendship. it also takes me a while to really know that i like or even love someone. i really like evans, it's just he's also a really big celebrity and i did the whole public relationship thing... horrible just horrible. Also he's older than me... by a lot, i just know people are gonna say shit

seb: you shouldn't care what people think dylan, you are so freaking gorgeous. there is no way someone should be hurting you like that. it's just ridiculous!
(i laugh)

: easier said than done you know?

seb: you are just incredible you know, and any guy would be lucky to date you. you have half the cast swooning over you, i mean the cast, the directors, literally everyone. if you ever need to talk about anything, i'm here and so is chris,

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