A Real Knockout

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Alright, as I was reading the Philip Norman book entitled Paul McCartney: The Life, I came across the quote provided above, and, being the freak of a so-called angst writer that I am, I couldn't help but wonder about if Gene actually had used Paul as his demonstration. That being said, I wrote this terrible little story. I hope you don't hate it too much! ;-) And of course, welcome to my new book!

"Come on, Paul, let me demonstrate! I was a marine, you know, so I can assure you that it won't harm you in any way. It'll just be for a coupla' minutes!" Gene Vincent cried, trying to convince the 'straight-laced' Beatle to allow him to demonstrate how he could knock someone out by using only pressure points.

"No, I don't think so, Gene. Nice of ya to offer, though," Paul politely declined, trying not to hurt his idol's feelings in any way.

"Oh, be a man, Macca," John pushed. "Like he said, it'll only be for a couple of minutes."

"Yeah," Pete Best agreed with a nod as he shifted on the sofa which all four Beatles were vacating (Gene was standing in front of them).

Paul was obviously on the fence about the whole thing. He didn't want to appear soft, but he also didn't want any intentional harm to come his way. George, noticing this, spoke up.

"Ya don't have to do anything you don't want, Paulie," he said sweetly.

"Aw, don't listen to him!" Gene intervened. "Listen to your other two mates!"

"Yeah, listen to us, Paul!" Pete added with flutter of his eyelashes, all while John gave Paul puppy dog eyes.

Reluctantly giving into their foolish wishes, Paul got up and muttered, "I'm gonna regret this."

"Hooray!" John and Pete cheered in unison as Paul took his place beside Gene. George decided not to say anything, for he didn't know what to make of the situation.

"Alright, Paul," Gene began. "As I was saying, I'm gonna use an old trick I learned back in my marine days. I'm just gonna push the side of your neck here, and then you'll be down for the count. Again, it won't hurt you. You'll wake up in no time, just like it never happened."

"Huh," Paul breathed as he bit his lip nervously. "Just get it over with, then."

"Alright! Are ya ready boys?" Gene asked the excited John and Pete.

"Oh yeah! I've always wanted to see this, y'know!" John replied with a smirk directed at Paul.

"Ha-ha," Paul scoffed with a roll of his big eyes whilst he shuffled his feet.

"Just be careful, mate," George nicely requested to Gene.

"Indeed I will, son," Gene winked before he faced Paul, who looked nearly ready to faint on his own accord, as he was so nervous about the ordeal. "Alright. Ready, Paul?"

"Ready," Paul nodded as Gene began to press his fingers on Paul's neck.

He kept them there for a few seconds, but nothing happened, much to the disappointment of John and Pete.

"Why isn't it working?" Pete whined.

"Wait for it," Gene replied brusquely as his demonstration swayed on his feet. "And...now!" he then proclaimed as Paul's eyes rolled back in his head, before he collapsed like a rag doll onto the dressing room floor.

"Wow! It did work!" Pete gawked as he and John burst into applause.

"Told ya it would, didn't I?" Gene grinned as he bent down to slap Paul's slack face, just to show everyone that he was indeed out.

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