Enchanted Venice Night

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Mika's p.o.v

Bose twirled me around the photo booth and we made our way to the dance floor joining the rest of our friends. The prom community did an amazing job at picking this place out and the setup was out of this world. The theme was enchanted forest with a slight bit of Venice night. The crowd went wild over the DJ. Everyone was singing at the top of their lungs and breaking out into dance from all different sides. It didn't even matter that we sounded off-key on some notes.

The energy in the room made me feel blissful. I felt like I was living in a movie once again. Not a single person had a frown on their face. Kimmy, Miles, and Josh were engaging in a conversation. Bose and Nathalie were trying to see which one of them could sing louder than the other.

I got distracted for a minute when I saw Chapa and Cleo hugging while dancing. Cleo started speaking to Chapa and I tried to make out what she was saying until Chapa suddenly kissed her. I gasped and jumped in joy, well my feet were still on the floor because these heels were not meant to be jumped in. But still, I was really happy for Chapa.

"Prom, what a magical place," Bose put his arm around me joining me gushing over Chapa and Cleo, "And they tried to convince us it was Disney world,". I smiled at his joke and wrapped both my arms around his waist lifting my head up at him. I loved having a tall boyfriend.

"Can i get everyone's attention?" A speaker asked. Everyone turned their attention to the stage to listen.

"The time has come to crown your pick for Swellview Highs prom king and queen!" The speaker announced.

We cheered and the speaker was handed an envelope. We moved closer to the stage to get a better view. I was excited to see who won, I didn't think I'd ever get the chance to go to prom much less witness people be crowned Prom King and Queen.

"The winners are, by popular vote,"... the speaker build up suspense and the drums started rolling.

"Danny Miller and Nathalie Mazdah!" They announced. I clapped happy for my friend and let go of Bose to give Nathalie a hug as she and Danny made their way on stage. It was funny considering they were both known for meeting A-list celebrities. Of course, they would win the popular vote. They congratulated the nominees and crowned Nathalie and Danny.

"Our king and Queen will have their first dance now," the speaker declared.

Bose and i walked off the dance floor together along with the rest of the students.

Bose's p.o.v

I was having the time of my life, really i was.... 

 But as i watched Mika on the dance floor with a few friends i didn't really know taking pictures, that lonely feeling was kicking in. I started playing with the decorations on the table to sidetrack my thoughts. Since she was going to NYU i had already predicted how hard it would be being so far apart, i just didn't expect it to hit me already.

She was right there yet i still missed her so freaking much.

"Hey!" Mika said sitting down next to me.

"How's my favorite person? Don't tell Chapa i said that" She laughed and pushed a piece of hair away from my face.

"Isolated," I sighed. That meant lonely right?

"What? Why?!" She pouted putting her phone down. Because you're leaving and we're gonna end up breaking up somehow. "We never got to slow dance," i said instead. I didn't wanna be a bummer tonight and i most definitely didn't wanna ruin the day for Mika. "Oh! That can be fixed!" She got up and curtseyed her dress. "May i have this dance, Agent O'Brien," She asked bowing.

She was too cute,"I guess i can make an exception," I jested taking her hand. She leads the way and we joined the crowd in slow dancing.

We swayed to the music but unlike last time; when she told me she was going to NYU for good, it was nothing but pure peace and comfort. For her anyways. I looked at her face, her angelic face, and tried to memorize every last bit of it. She smiled but then i noticed it started to disappear. I was about to ask her what was wrong but she pulled me into a hug. I didn't pull away but wrapped my arms around her and we continued to sway away in each other's arms.

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