After Ruins

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The tickle in his left sole woke him up. It took a second or two before he could open his eyes and adjust to the brightness of sunlight beaming directly at his face. He rubbed his eyes to see clearly. Nagito Komeada just laid there basking in the warmth of the sun before he could notice ruffling next to him. He bobbed his head to the side and saw a brown-haired woman turning around to face him. Her body was wrapped in a white blanket that showed her beautiful hour-glass figure. She opened her eyes and immediately painted a smile on her face before muttering "good morning."

Nagito leaned to face her, commemorating the night they both shared. He had met her at a bar he went to last night, offered to buy her a drink, and one way lead to another, they ended up in her bed, without clothes beneath the sheets. "Hey" Nagito said as a greeting back. The woman then sat up and positioned herself on top of him "I got like forty-five minutes before I need to get ready for work" she whispered in his ear. "Perfect" Nagito whispered back then enveloped her mouth with his and kissing her passionately. He took her in his arms and in turn plopped on top of her. The bed swayed gently as they made love.

Nagito just finished putting his shoes on as the woman, who was now in corporate attire approached him. "Hey, I had fun last night, and I'm glad I got to meet you" she started as she drank the coffee she had on her hand. "And...I hope I could see you again" she added somewhat blushing. Nagito offered a small smile and stood up. "You will" he said as he lifted her chin up to give her lips a light kiss. The woman blushed even more. "I have to go, I'll see you soon" Nagito said as he walked towards the door. "Um, aren't you gonna ask for my phone number?" the woman asked. Nagito opened the door and turned his head to say "I won't need it" he winked as he walked out and closed the door.

He found himself in a very posh looking hallway with a gray wallpaper and chandeliers as lights. He gathered the woman lived in a high-end apartment building which only elites reside in. He smiled as he took the elevator down. He felt the warm air of the Summer season as he got out of the building, looking at the clear blue skies, he was taken back to that place that, although only brought despair, he actually longed to see again, and is mighty close to his heart. That island.

He never knew why he always go back to those memories. He made his way to a diner in the city and ordered himself an omelette with bacon and orange juice. Finding his way to a booth, vivid images of his friends in the diner in that place quickly shot through his brain. His friends. That word made him shiver with delight. People actually thought of him, a lowly piece of trash, as friend. He can't help but feel emotional. He sat down and stared out the huge window. He could see various types of people hustling and bustling in this early Friday morning. Honestly, he felt kind of jealous of those people. They always had jobs, and important things to look forward to. He, on the other hand, never had to worry about that.

Three years ago, when the world finally quieted down, hope finally overcame despair and people started to rebuild everything that broke, him and the rest of his classmates decided to leave the island for good and come back to the city. It was a miracle that the people accepted them again and shunned away their past as the Remnants of Despair, and allowed them to live. They took the ship and arrived full of hope. They all decided, to be able to atone for their sins, they needed to help rebuild everything, not just the buildings but also the morals. They separated paths when they arrived and promised to keep in touch. Well, promises are made to be broken right? Nagito thought. Because, it's been three years, and he's never heard of either one of them.

When they separated, he went back to his house, he saw nothing but rumble and ruins. He couldn't even really complain, he knew he was responsible for what it came to be. Part of it was guilt, but he wasn't very worried because he knew he had a secret vault right in basement which contained some of his family's money and treasures. He went down and lucky enough, his family's vault remained untouched. He still had his luck with him after all. He took what was left and lived off that. He was able to find a new apartment to live in and was able to lead a normal life. He avoided from applying for a job though, he knew he had no worthwhile talent, and no company would ever hire a person with just having an Ultimate Lucky Student in their resume. As the years went by and the money starting to get scarce, he used his luck to win in lotteries and raffles, but still that wasn't enough, until one time, he met a woman by accident in a bar who offered him money and gifts as long as he stayed and fulfilled her every need. He found this as another way to get money, so he kept on repeating the same tactics over and over, until the women he met got tired of him. It really didn't bother him thinking those women only used him, a piece of trash like him was being used for their benefit, for their hope, and Nagito was all the more happy to be able to help them reach that hope.

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