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Without wasting any more time, I place both my knees on the couch and slide over to his lap, scooting as close to him as possible. When I was seated on his crotch, our bodies glued together and our noses brushed against each other. I gasped but didn't hold back and fitted my mouth against his.

He quickly responded by gripping my waist and pushed his body forward, in turn moving mine. His mouth worked wonders on mine while I gripped the hair on the nape of his head, causing him to slide his hands to my hips and grip it harder, while biting my bottom lip causing me to whimper and clench around nothing. Soothing the nibbling by taking it between his lips and sucking it, he let's his tongue brush mine. I couldn't help the sound that came from the back of my throat and the way my thighs closed its way around his hips and my core grinded on his, almost in sync to how our tongues moved with each other.

The reflexive griding became intentional at this point and I could feel my panties getting wet. He shifted a little and I could feel his hard on through the material of his jeans and I swear I moaned but it got muffled by his mouth. He parted my lips with his and pulled away, a string of saliva in the way, making me blush even more, if that was even possible at that point.

He looked deep in my eyes and smirked making me bit my lip to stop the noise that wanted to escape. He looked so good, his hair dishevelled, pupils dilated, cheeks a little pink, lips red and swollen. I would've kissed him again if he didn't bury his face in my neck. I tilted my head, giving him more space to continue his ministrations. A sudden realisation of someone walking in on us at any second dawned on me and I tried to speak but all I could get out was, "J-Jimin, my mom-ah" I couldn't even complete that sentence when he started sucking on a certain spot making me fist his hair harder and moan which quickly turned into a groan of protest when he pulled away to look at me.

And Fuck, did he look good.

"Really? You're thinking about your mom right now?" He asked, his voice deep but mouth in a cute little pout.

I managed to smile a little at his words even though that was the last thing I was feeling like doing with how aroused I was and him looking at me like that made things worse.

'I mean, she could come back anytime." I say and he smirked.

"Then we better head to your bedroom." He says, biting his lip.

I nodded and he gripped my thighs as I lock them over his waist and stands up. With this new angle, I could feel how hard he actually was and I suppressed to whimper by biting my lip as a glossyness formed in his eyes and he started walking towards the stairs.

We kept staring at each other while he walked and at one point I was worried we would fall but for some reason we didn't and i gasped when he dropped me on the bed after closing the bedroom door with his foot.

I felt my heart pounding and it was so quiet that I felt like he might've heard it. I lifted myself a little with my elbows while he stood on the edge of the bed and  pulled his shirt over his head.

The only light coming in the room was from a window, the soft glow of the afternoon sun made the right side of his body glow, almost. I felt like I would squeak or moan if I open my mouth so I made grabby hands towards him to get on top me, touch me, do anything but stand there, looking the way he did. His smug look made me wanna kick him but when he leaned over and started hovering over me, kicking him would be the last thing I would do.

I whimpered when his whole body was above me, his hands on the bed, supporting his weight. He just stared at me and this time I couldn't come up with a witty or sarcastic comment. Scratch that, I couldn't even think. All I could do was lay there and stare back, my whole body tingling with a foreign sensation, my cheeks and neck feeling warm from his intense gaze.

Just when he was leaning in to kiss me, I heard someone yell from downstairs. I let my head hit the bed as I cursed a long string of explicits while jimin laughed and buried his face in my neck.

"And that's my cue to head out." He murmured, licking a stripe up my neck and I curled my fingers in his hair and wrapped my legs around his waist, trapping him.

"Please don't go." I pleaded. He chuckled and kissed me, rubbing his hands on my thighs. Unlike the other ones, this one was sweet and short even though I tried to jerk my head up to continue it, he had already slipped past my frame and was sitting on the edge of the bed.

I signed and laid there, staring at the ceiling, panting, as my body calmed down. I felt the bed move under me and I looked to find Jimin had stood up. He was putting his t-shirt on and I licked my lips as I watched his back flex deliciously.

Fuck, he's hot.

"I'll tell your mom that we were hanging out in your room before I leave." He said and I rolled my eyes before we both laughed a little and he was out the door before I could attempt to blackmail him into staying.

I didn't move a muscle after that, just stayed there, staring at the ceiling, reliving the whole thing over and over, until my room became pitch black and eventually my eyes closed, giving in to the exhaustion.

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