mommas got you

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LITTLE!Ranboo CG!Cpt.Puffy

ranboo is a little but keeps to himself about it. puffy weeded to talk to techno and stumble apon the boy allowing her mother instincts to kick in.

TW: hurt little?


ranboo was happy and content sitting in his little shed behind techno's house. he didn't have to worry about people seeing him small. or at least he thought.

lying on his bed he was happily babbling to himself playing with his stuffed polar bear with a yellow soother in his mouth. techno had gotten the stuffy for him as a joke when he gave him the ax of peace 2.0 but he treasured it. it was his only stuffy left because he had a bad habit of losing them.

playing with ba the polar bear like a airplane, ba fell. leaning to ground to grab him as did ranboo. falling on your head already didn't feel good big for the boy but when small you might as well think he's dying. weeping loudly he rubbed his head. 

puffy, leaving a note for techno (I think idrk why she was there I forgot 0-0) , heard the wailing. peeking out of a window, he say ranboo on the floor of his shed. mother instincts kicking in she bolts to him. slowing down a few feet from the door as to not scare the boy, she walks in.

"ranboo? are you ok bud?" she asked sitting next to him analyzing the boy with a soother a teddy. ranboo was to young to be panicked about puffy knowing about his regression. Almost immediately, ranboo started wailing and jumped into Puffy's lap, puffy falling back a bit from the impact. She's here and more than just wanting the comfort from a grown up, the boy was hurt.

While a little panicked, Puffy tried to keep her cool for the younger's sake. "ranboo buddy, can you breathe me? in..... and out.... in..." ranboo slowly was able to match  her breathing with a few hiccups here and there. "good job pumpkin! now can you tell me what's wrong so I can help?"

with obvious struggle, ranboo practically put his heart and soul into his horrible story. "I-I was pwayin-in wif ba on ma bed an-an he fell an I-I twied to gwab hi-im an I fel-ll on ma head" ranboo says starting to tear up again. puffy swiftly rubbed his head while holding him better with her other hand.

dream acted like this. and as much as she hated to admit it, Puffy missed taking care of dream when he was regressed. she took this as a sign and lifted to younger enough for him to make eye contact. she knew he hated it but she also knew he wouldn't truly believe anything she says unless he looks at her.

"ranboo, look at me" he didn't want to do that. looking at people was scary, he didn't want to be scared. but he did it non the less. "how old are you ranboo?" puffy could see the fear strike in ranboo's eyes at the question. "hey it's ok, mama puffy's helped people like this before don't worry"

the boy immediately flipped from scared to delight and hearing puffy's name for herself.  "I um three.. no four... I-I don't know mama." ranboo said getting obviously flustered with himself. and all puffy could do was coo at the adorable sight,

"it's ok sugar plum, you don't need to know perfectly." she said as she lifted the little from the spot they'd both been sitting in. "now let's get you taken care of hm? a sweet little boy like you shouldn't need to be here all by himself now should he?" ranboo, embarrassed but also exited to finally get the love he's always secretly craved, put his face in the crook of puffy's neck and sheepishly nodded his head

Walking the boy to technos house because it's closer than hers, she sat the boy down on the couch. ranboo however, did NOT like that. and made sure puffy knew by whining his heart out to the woman. I'll be right back pumpkin, I'm gonna get you somthing special. It's a suprise" puffy calmly nealing to be at eye level with the glossy eyed boy.

while ranboo didn't want to be by himself, he liked suprises. so rubbing the tears that hadn't come yet out of his eyes, he nodded his head alowing ouffy to leave. The boy didn't that while still in his shack, Puffy saw a bottle and imediantly snatched it. She wasn't sure if the boy had ever had angel milk but she knew he needed a nap.

walking back into the living roon, puffy couldn't help but coo at the little boy babbling to his teddy. "Pumpkin, I got your suprise." she stated holding up the bottle of warm milk. Never having seen it before, ranboo tilted his head again making Puffy coo at how cute he looked.

"what's dat mama?" ranboo's words were getting more slured as he talked but puffy didn't mind. she knew the boys would get smaller. That was the goal with giving him warm milk. With dream if he was stressed or hurt, he would sleep better the smaller he got.

"It's angle milk baby, you'll like it trust me. now come here-" she lifted ranboo off the couch and onto her lap alowing him to get comfortably situated. While it wwas a bit awkward because of the youngers hight, she didn't mind. she was a mother of many types of people after all.

after letting the boy get situated, she started giving him the bottle having set the soother on the coffee table. puffy asumed ranboo liked the milk based off how it was almost gone. she did have to take it a few types because she was afraid he was drinking it to fast.

after finishing the bottle puffy propped the boy up a bit and let him sleep giving him his yellow soother. ranboo put him face in the crook of his mamas neck and drifted off to sleep.

about half an hour later puffy hears walking up the steps outside. alarmed but still calm because ranboo's lying on her, she puts one hand on her sword. she calms as she sees technoblade but now he's the one who's stiffened up.

"hehh?!?!" he says quiet loudly causing the youngest of the three to stir. "shh it's ok baby go back to sleep" puffy whispers to ranboo glaring at techno. He'll never admit it but Puffy and Phil are the only people that truley scare Techno. I mean, you've seen the children they've had to deal with right?!

"uhhh sorry, what's- happening...?" techno asked very low and quiet this time causing puffy to smile. she patted the seat next to her and watched as techno sat his bag down on top of a chest and at with her.

"so you know how tommy would have his days where he regressed becuase he was stressed?" puffy said oftly cassual. techno didn't think she knew about that to be honest. tommy was a decently open person but not about his regression.

"does ranboo regress too?" puffy nodded her head and smiled as she watched the peices go together in technos head. "that explains his running around in his shed so much. And I thought he just liked my wolves but now that I think about it, he was probably regressed. ugh how did I not notice?" techno huffed.

"hey it's fine tech, he didn't want people to know. I was coming to talk to you and I heard crying. he fell off his bed and just needed a little help. Don't beat yourself up." she said rubbing ranboos back while he slept. " I would've brought him to my house but it's.... a walk that's for sure."

techno chuckled and there was a calm silence between the three for a while. after a bit, techno asked,"so, what did you need to talk with me about?"


ayeeeeeee this is my first story like ever I've posted so lmk what you think!

word count- 1328

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