A/N: Please Read!!

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Hello there, my lovely little cupcakes! I'm sooooo sorry for the lack of updates lately! I should've gotten at least the next two chapters done by now, but I haven't. Sorry!! I've been so busy with Solo and Ensemble, schoolwork, the STEM Exploration Day...ugh, just so many things. I've been so busy and I just haven't had time for Wattpad the last week.

Anywhosies, I'm glad you like the story. This was just a little status update to say I'm not dead and I'm still here to write. Once again, I'm so incredibly sorry!! I have so many ideas and so little motivation...

So...yeah...that's all. I also wanted to give a shoutout to Juliafox22 who has been reading this since the first chapter. We're almost at 20 Chapters and that makes me really excited. I don't think you understand how happy I am right now. Thanks to all the ducklings that read this! You are all wonderful! Keep Calm and Spain On!!

Amnesia(Spain x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now