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   When i finally got away from Jason i walked to my next class (science) i saw HEATHER standing right next to the door i put my book bag out side of the class because we were having  test the heather came up to me and ... LOOK FREAK STAY AWAY FROM JASON OR I WILL MAKE SURE YOU'R LIFE IS A LIVING H*** GOT ME! : she said  then walked into the class room. After our test was done i went to go and get my book bag and i saw Jason and heather talking i wondered what they were talking about. I DON'T CARE : i thought to myself. Then when i started to walk away from the class room i was at y locker putting my books into my locker when i felt a deep breath go down my neck ... i turned around and saw Jason!!!! Hey Delilah :he said i didn't say anything to him ... then something in me just snapped and i  said WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT JASON... WHAT? i could feel my face turn red and feel the whole school look at us .. thn he grabbed me by the arm ad drug me into the the school janitor closet and slapped me THEN .... YOU FINALLY GREW SOME BALLS HUH! :he said  with a evil smirk on his face. Then he pushed me up against the wall and h he held my mouth and he said now how about you let me do what your dad does to you every week end : he said  STOP JASON PLEASE STOP !! : i said . then next  thing i know I'm on the floor hurting and weak?? i couldn't get up but i had to before the bell rang and HEATHER TATE's little group come in here for a Little make over and cake make up all over their faces! I went home that minuet i got up and  felt terrible!

----------------------------------------------TO BE CONTINUED----------------------------------------------------------------

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