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Dipper look out!!!! When I turned around there was a girl with brown hair a bang pink makeup and a pink. Sweater. She almost looked like pacifica. Mabel came by me and she pushed me and pacifica fell out of my hands into the ocean. Pacifica NOOOO!!!!! I jumped in the ocean and she was falling really deeper. I had to rescue her. I finally caught her but she was fainted and I was scared that she was..... No.......she can't be....... I raced to the top and she wasn't breathing!!!!! Mabel!!!! Mabel!!!!! Mabel!!!!! Nooooo!!!!!!! Wat is it dipper??? She isn't breathing!!!! What!!!! She raced over here and saw pacifica and she said CPR dipper CPR!!!!! What NOOOO!!!!!!! Dipper she is dying!!!! But---------- before I could say another word Mabel told me that if I didn't do it I wouldn't be a hero!!!!! So I did it . But either way I am a hero but I'll be 10 percent less. I was right on her face and leaned closer and gave her CPR or wat Mabel called it a KISS. Pacifica wasn't breathing yet until I did it the 5th time. She coughed up water and she opened her eyes and hugged us . By surprise she only looked at me and said wat happened??? Oh oh.........

Dipper x PacificaWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu