Chapter 21

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Everything was a blur.

Rosé had been rushed into the emergency room as Lisa leans on to the wall of the hospital before sinking down. There were chairs available to waiting relatives and friends but there just wasn't any energy left on her legs to even crawl or walk onto one as she blankly stares into space. Her mind lost to the scenes that had happened just minutes ago. More importantly, the mind-blowing words her ears weren't prepared to hear.


That name had always done a great deal to her heart and well, her sanity. Lisa frowns and she slowly shakes her head at the impossibility of the situation. It's like one big joke. But then Rosé doesn't take jokes too far. Dares? yes. Jokes? only when it's something relevant to food, maybe. But this, this was too much even for her best friend.

On the other hand, not acknowledging the fact that it could be a joke would then mean that her best friend could have gone into some sort of delusional phase, hopefully, just a phase, caused by the accident weeks ago. Because there's just no way that this could be real. No way at all. Lisa doesn't believe it. It's too impossible. It's like those stories you only read in novels and see in movies. None of those are real which means none of what she just heard was real.

None of it.


With a shudder, Lisa's hands come up to hold her head before sliding them back through her hair and clutching onto her nape. She looks around with a lost look. It was only at that moment when she realizes what hospital are they in. Maybe the universe is playing a joke on her. This hospital had been on the news so many times due to the fact that a famous female celebrity was admitted here and is currently still in a coma, much to the sadness of all her family, friends, and fans. The very female that is currently causing her a huge headache.

"Roseanne Park?" a nurse calls out and it takes almost five seconds before Lisa picks herself up from the floor.

"I'm family," she immediately says before being led into the room where her best friend now lay unconscious. As Lisa had anticipated, the doctors had found nothing whatsoever that has caused or triggered Rosé's 'episode' earlier. Lisa doesn't even know what to call it. Right now, her best friend was under observation and this time, Lisa isn't thinking of running off to the sunset. Whatever side-effects Rosé is experiencing has to stop and she's not leaving without an answer.

But like everything in Lisa's life, unfortunately, instead of an answer she just got a ton more questions, nobody can answer.

It started with a small groan which instantly gets Lisa up her feet. Hesitantly, she walks closer to the bed where her best friend lays. Rosé starts to stir slowly and within a few moments her eyes finally open. Lisa watches silently, unsure of what to expect. Whether she likes it or not, some very small part of her does believe that maybe those words she heard made some sense.

"Hey," Lisa gently says as Rosé's eyes finally settle on her. The blonde, looked like she woke up with a hangover as she squints and slowly tries to open her eyes more. Much to Lisa's confusion, Rosé reaches out to her before poking her arm with her forefinger and asking, "Are you real?"

The question wasn't what she was expecting but after a few blinks, she realizes that she was being serious.

"Yes? I'm human and so are you, we live on this miserable planet called Earth and we eat garbage to survive," she answers which makes her best friend smile.

"Okay, cool. Just checking. I was afraid they might have injected me with stuff that could make me feel like I'm stuck flying in space or somewhere lucid where beautiful light brown-eyed mermaids swim, whispering enticing words at me and caressing me with their soft touches. It's like one of those sweet-scented and highly confusing illusions," Rosé mumbles as Lisa opens her mouth to say something, anything, but finds no appropriate response to that.

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