Topic ☕ Hello Wattpad!

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Assalaamu 'Alaikum!

In order to facilitate more discussions and engagements within the community, we wanted to open up a space for everyone to meet new people and gather together to just hang out. While we can spam each other's message boards, it doesn't allow for any new interactions. So . . . let's all get to know each other!

This is -ScatteredPearlz-; call me Amu.

This topic discussion is open to everyone. That means we will take your comments, publish them in this chapter, and tag you!

Let's be honest: when we meet someone new, in order to click with them there needs to be a meeting point. Luckily for us, everyone on Wattpad is already brought together by shared interests. Wattpad has become sort of a niche community for people like us. 🥰

So, what we're curious about is — how did you discover Wattpad? Did a friend introduce it to you? Did you find it while web surfing? Or did you discover it in some other ways?

If you are an old user, how long have you been here? What are your thoughts on the many, many, many changes Wattpad has gone through?

If you are a new user, how are you finding this place?

Also, if you wanna complain about Wattpad, let's grab some popcorn. I've got a ton load of complaints at the tip of my tongue. 😉

kainatazharr - I actually discovered Wattpad when a friend of mine told me about this book she was obsessing over titled Confessions of a Muslim Girl. This was about seven years ago (yes, I'm a Wattpad grandma 😭). She pleaded me to read it, so I made an account and started the book.

I loved the book, and not just that but the interactive features of Wattpad such as in-line commenting. This was something entirely new I had been exposed to and it excited me. So, I started using Wattpad a lot more, but not as an everyday thing. More like a once or twice in a week thing.

I think I used to write back then, too, but it was strange, weird stories now that I look back at them. You know how people have a writing revival? Yeah, I had mine, Alhamdulillah, because every time I think about my old works, they make me cringe so much. Up until about two years ago, I didn't really write anything that mattered or wasn't a waste of time. My writing was also tacky and kind of childish, now that I think about it. Alhamdulillah, I'm past that (I hope 😭).

-ScatteredPearlz- - That story (Confessions of a Muslim Girl) is still not finished . . . >.>

Welcome, grandmother. I'm one, too. I started my account in 2013 - 2014 and was very much active until 2016ish. Then I took a loooooong break and came back in 2020 to a new world.

But I am glad that you came back and wrote lol, otherwise we would have missed out on Zoya's incredible journey!

kainatazharr - Omg wait Confessions of a Muslim Girl isn't finished yet?

-ScatteredPearlz- - Nope. And the author has been inactive for a loooooong time 😅.

adropofhumanity - So I think I first came across Wattpad in 2016 when my friends introduced me to it. But I did not have much time on hand, so I decided to check it out later. Officially I decided to give it a shot sincerely in the beginning of 2017.

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