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DISCLAIMER: This chapter has mentions of blood and death. If you are sensitive to these topics, please refrain from reading this chapter. Thank you!

For the past few days, you had been avoiding Zhongli all you could. It killed you to do so, but you did it regardless. The words he said had rung so loudly in your head each night. At first, you had tried getting up earlier than him and going to bed right after dinner. Sometimes you wouldn't eat and head straight to bed after taking a shower. It was like this for a week before you decided to go and live with Hu Tao.

You told her the jist of what had happened. Exempt from the memories you see in your vision every once in a while. In exchange for living with her, the girl asked you to cook her dinner each and every night. Agreeing, you had started to live at Hu Tao's.

"(Y/NNN)!" The brunette wailed as she chewed on her chopsticks.

"Hai hai, just a minute." It was morning and you were just preparing breakfast for the two of you. "Okay, here you go." Neatly arranging an omelette, a few tomatoes, pieces of ham, and milk onto a tray, you place it in front of Hu Tao. Giggling, she smiles gratefully before chomping down on her meal.

"Have I told you your cooking is like a gift from the Archons?" Within seconds, the girl had already downed half the omelette.

"Too many times." Laughing, you took your own plate and joined the brunette at the table. "Slow doe, you're going to choke."

"That was the first time I've heard you laugh in a while, (Y/N)." Hu Tao's expression was serious as she put down her chopsticks. "Are you really okay with this? Not talking to him? Don't you feel anything for him?"

You couldn't answer your friend. Of course, you felt something for the man, but as long as he thought you were Guizhong, there was no way you were going to admit anything.

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't. Who knows." Coolly answering Hu Tao, you quickly eat the rest of your breakfast before placing your plate in the sink. "I'll be going now. I'll be home a little later. I noticed we're short on groceries." Grabbing the pouch of mora used for groceries, you open the front door.

"Wait! Can you swing by the parlour later?" Swallowing the rest of her food, Hu Tao calls after you. Narrowing your eyes at her, you clutch at the pouch.

"What for?"

"There's this boy I want you to meet. I told him about you and he really wants to meet you."

"I'll try." With that, you closed the door and headed out into Liyue's bright streets. The morning sun was warm on your skin as the shadows of buildings grazed it as you walked. Passing Zhongli's residence, you could see the door open as a foot stepped out. Quickly averting your eyes, you hurry towards your destination.

"Good morning, (Y/N)." Smiling at you from the top of the steps, Ganyu waved at you in front of Yuehai Pavillion.

"Ganyu, good morning." Pulling on the best smile you could manage, you approach your blue-haired friend.

"So, I have a few things to discuss with Lady Ningguang today. Meaning, there is nothing I have for you except for one thing." The girl handed you a thin file. "I need you to go to the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor to speak about their paperwork. There was a mix-up a few days ago and we had finally gotten the right permits for their establishment. After that's done, you are free from work."

"Oh... the Funeral Parlor." Your eyes dropped to the file you were holding. Going to the Funeral Parlor meant you needed to see Zhongli. Or maybe not. Hu Tao is the director after all, unless she's not here, which I doubt, I won't be seeing him at all. Smiling again, you bid Ganyu farewell before heading towards the streets of Liyue again. Before you knew it, you were standing in front of the place Hu Tao had worked at. Just as you were about to open the doors, a middle-aged man had opened it from the inside. His eyes widened as he stared at you.

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