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WARNING: This chapter contains NSFW content. You may skip that part if you wish, it doesn't affect the last portion of the chapter!

It had been a few weeks since you and Zhongli had been married. The two of you were living perfectly fine in the house you shared. Hu Tao was reluctant to let you go and live off takeout. You assured her you would come over to cook for her once in a while. Over everything that had happened, you had almost forgotten you'll have to go home soon. What would happen here? Is there a choice for you to stay? You pondered this on your couch as Zhongli had just come out of the shower.

"What are you so focused on?" The shirtless man kissed your forehead as he wiped water drops off his head.

"Is there an option for me to stay?" Zhongli paused as he looked at you with wide eyes. It seemed that he, too, had forgotten you weren't of the world of Teyvat.

"Possibly. Is there a reason you don't want to go back?" Your husband smirked at you as he kissed your neck.

"I- Z-Zhongli!" You light smack him as a low laugh comes from the male. "I'm serious. I don't want to leave you behind here." Getting up from your spot, you head to the kitchen. It was silent for a while as you started to prepare for dinner.

"There might be a way you can stay." Zhongli pulled out a chair for himself and watched as you moved swiftly around the kitchen. "You'd make a great mother." You almost choked on the soup you were testing when your husband had suggested the idea.

"What makes you think I'm a good mother? I can barely handle Hu Tao most of the time." You place down the ladle and turn to your husband. Zhongli laughed as he took your small hand in his.

"There's a rule with travelling between universes. You cannot take something that is native to there with you. Like this teacup." The man picked up the cup beside him as he stared at you. "Nor can you really leave behind something that is yours." With this, you had an idea of where this was going. At the thought, your face had turned bright red as Zhongli looked at you with sultry eyes.

"Y-You want us to make a c-child." Whispering the words, you bury your face in your hands as Zhongli's smile widens.

"You're not a terrible mother and we're already married. Most conceive on the night of marriage. Since that night you had insisted we use some sort of protection-"

"Okay! Okay! That's enough! We're in the kitchen... where we eat!" Reliving the hot moments after the reception of your marriage, you felt your stomach start to feel fluttery.

"Eat? What am I eating? You?" Zhongli winked at you as he pulled you into his lap.

"I- ah!" You let out a small moan as you feel something hard against your butt.

"Well? That offer about a child?" You could feel Zhongli smirk at you as the object got harder as he kissed down your neck.

"Z-Zhongli... d-dinner...ah~" He sure knew how to make your legs weak. They felt like jelly as you tried to point to the boiling stew.

"Hm? Dinner? It's right here in my lap." Your husband smiled against your neck as he made dark red marks. His hands started to travel to different parts of your body with a little exposed skin.

"J-just... let me... turn off... t-the stove." You were built up with so much pleasure, you had almost reached your peak.

"Mmm, fine." Zhongli retracted his wandering hands and his mouth from you as you slowly got up. Your legs were shaking from the adrenaline so you wobbled your way over to the stove to put out the fire. Now that there was no fire hazard, you turned back to Zhongli. He stood up and you could see the bulge in his pants. His face was flushed as his eyes lusted for you.

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