[Ssamyen] misconnected to you

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Chaewon almost falls down from her chair when her speaker suddenly connected to a device. She immediately checks her phone and laptop but none of them are having their Bluetooth on. She's confused and is about to turn off her speaker before a familiar song starts playing.

"So, someone really did connect their device to my speaker." Chaewon thought as she furrows her eyebrows, trying to remember when did she heard this song before.

"I've been crying for a while,

Because I couldn't see your heart,"

That's her housemate's favorite song! Now, she is more than sure that Yena is the one who accidentally connects her device to Chaewon's speaker. She then stands up and steps out of her room, walking to the room beside hers.

She softly knocks on the door as it's past midnight already though she knows the older isn't asleep yet. A soft series of steps can be heard from the other side of the door, signifying that the older woman is nearing the door.

A soft smile immediately decorates Chaewon's face as she's met with the familiar soft brown orbs; the orbs that never fail to put Chaewon's heart to ease. They aren't that close if Chaewon really looks at it thoroughly but somehow she feels like she's home; the home that makes you feel warm and safe and comfortable, whenever she opens the house's door after the exhausting lectures and sees Yena. The presence of Yena itself is enough to make her feel like that.

But again, they aren't that close so Chaewon keeps all those thoughts to herself again when Yena clears her throat.

"Is there something wrong, Chaewon?"

Chaewon immediately bites her lower lips out of embarrassment before she spills the reason why she is knocking on the older's door this late.

"I think your phone accidentally connected itself to my speaker."

"Ah, that's why there isn't any sound coming out from my speaker."

Chaewon smiles fondly upon seeing Yena's cute reaction before continuing, "By the way, that was a good choice of song, Unnie." She smiles sheepishly when Yena smiles wide; too wide that her eye smiles are showing clearly despite the lack of light in the hallway. After saying her shy thanks to Chaewon, Yena excuses herself while showing her Nintendo Switch as she is in a game with her best friends. Chaewon then advises her to not stay up too late before excusing herself too.

Upon arriving at her own room, Chaewon sits back at her chair and continues doing her assignments for tomorrow's classes with the widest smile on her face.



A slow whisper that almost can't be heard only if Chaewon wasn't waiting for Yena to knock on her door again this night. She turns her body around and lifts an eyebrow, questioning Yena's 'sudden' visit though she knows very well the reason behind it.

"Was it connected to yours again?"

Yena's furrowed eyebrows really are softening her heart now despite the fact that Yena has successfully connected her phone to Chaewon's speaker and scared the shit out of her for too many times that Chaewon has lost count of it already.

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