Arizone Sun

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I laid in bed, restless. The tick of the clock above my nightstand echoed through my head and filled the room. I grasped at the sound, I tried desperately for it to take the place of the thoughts that held my exhaustion captive. I turned my head towards the window and watched the light from a distant street lamp barely trickle onto the hardwood floors and up to the pillow where Riley's head rested beside mine. He was artistically beautiful, the muse to Greek sculptors. Pale marble smooth skin, prominent nose, wide and pointed jawline. His hair was slightly matted against his forehead with sweat, the rest curled around his ears like copper springs released of tension. Freckles nested on his nose, but no where else on his strong, muscular body. While I admired him, the cold pang of guilt poured into my stomach, twisting my intestines, stealing the air from my lungs. Despite his warm body wrapped feebly around my waist I wasnt able to shake the taste that the Arizona sun left on my heart.


The thought of the smoldering sun intertwined with the dry aroma of desert sand shoved aside the ache in my chest again. It's all wrong, I knew that. Despite that knowledge, I closed my eyes, and finally allowed myself to indulge in the memory of him.

"Jonas." I whispered sheepishly.

He wasn't looking up at me, rather his gaze remained on the rise and fall of my chest. His jaw was clenched, like a wolf fighting it's natural instinct to eat its prey. His brows were furrowed, conflicted and yet he had still chose to close the gap between us just before I whispered his name. I can smell the fresh sweat beading up above his lips. It was a sweet odor that begged my nipples to stand at attention, despite the sweltering heat. One drop of sweat dripped from his hairline. He was frozen there in front of me, his right hand pressed against the camper to the left of my rib cage just barely close enough to rub the fabric of my shirt.

"Mariana.." He gritted out from between his teeth, his breathe heavy behind it

"We can't. It's reckless."
I argued, though it was mostly towards myself in that moment. Ofcourse I needed to be rational, but fuck... I don't want him to listen to my words of reason either.

"You think I don't know that?" His jaw fell slack, lips slightly parted.

No longer frozen in place his head dropped down, weighted with morality. Disappointment? That he can't have me? Or that he won't let himself?

The sun kept setting, despite the feeling of time standing still. If either of us made a move it was a fifty fifty chance it'd end in our favor.
Riley came to mind, my mother, my aunt and uncle, Briefly. Too briefly to make a difference.
Head still bowed he finally took his eyes off the ground. As if he sensed my willingness to admit defeat and give in to the hunger.
Our eyes met, unblinking for roughly a second or two. That's all it took.
His arm shot up from against the camper and up to my throat. In the same second, he took one sharp inhale through his teeth and pressed his lips into mine. The tension was so high, I can still feel that kiss.
It was like gas winding up so tightly inside of the sun and we became a solar flare.

Our lips were salty, our hands clumsy and desperate.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2021 ⏰

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