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Meredith Grey always hated Derek Shepherd. Anyone that was even remotely close to either one of them knew that. They went to the same high school, were absolute best friends... until, well, neither one of them knows who exactly initiated it first, but then one day they were simply each other's arch nemesis.

They would snicker about each other to their friends, gossip behind one another's back and whisper about each other right in front of said person.

Sometime in the middle of high school, one of them decided to start the somewhat 'harmless' pranks. Tripping each other in corridors, filling lockers with embarrassing objects or leaving anonymous notes by their fake secret admirers... they all seemed like perfectly normal pranks, and soon the rest of the student body found out, choosing which ones of the pair they were going to side with and help.

It was all perfectly fine to Meredith Grey at that point. She didn't exactly care much about her reputation in the school, and annoying the hell out of football captain stupid Derek Shepherd was one of her main forms of fun in a boring private school like Seattle Grace High.

Everyday she would come home and instantly start planning what she'd do next... accidentally cut off some of his dreadfully perfect locks of hair?... honestly she could never really decide. 

The last Monday before prom was no different for Meredith, she had decided on decorating his desk with billions of fake letters asking him out to prom, adorned with dozens of lovely roses. She couldn't wait to pull it off... Derek was one of the most popular guys in school and she laughed at the fact that all of the longing girls would most likely be broken-hearted at the sight.

However, that day, she got a call halfway through the evening that made her rethink the whole thing. It was from Izzie Stevens, Meredith's only and best friend at the time, and upon answering the call, she immediately knew she had done something wrong. And she knew exactly what it was.

"You kissed Jake Matthews at Joe's last month?!" Izzie yelled at her, steam practically radiating from her words and threatening to bite at Meredith.

"I- Izzie-"

"What the Hell, Meredith?! And here I actually thought I could trust you, that you were seriously my best friend. Seriously!"

"Izzie, I was drunk, hell, you could even say he took advantage of me," she tried to reason.

Wrong move. "Took Advantage??!! Wow, as if helping my ex boyfriend cheat on me wasn't enough for you Meredith, now you're trying to blame it all on the one person I ever loved?!" The blonde yelled through the phone, her tone willing the tears to fall from Meredith's eyes.

"I didn't- I'm sorry, Iz."

"You're sorry. Huh, that's a damn first," Izzie growled. "I can't even believe you, you were there With me the night we broke up, Meredith. You helped me through it, you claimed he was nothing if he was the kind that cheated. You said that you were sure it was a misunderstanding why he would ever cheat on someone like me. Like it was a fluke," Izzie finished with a scoff. "I never should have become friends with you. If you want to be a bitch just be a bitch, Meredith. You didn't have to lie to me."

Meredith could tell Izzie was crying on the other end, and she felt horrible, the tears slowly falling from her eyes too as she sobbed quietly on the opposite line.

"I- I'm sorry, Izzie, I'm sorry I lied to you, and I'm sorry you had to hear this from- who told you?"

Izzie scoffed, rolling her eyes as she spat out at her former best friend, "Derek Shepherd."

Meredith sighed, feeling rage consume her as she inhaled sharply, choosing to try and make amends with the only person she turned to for anything before handling that annoying stupid pig of a man.

"Look, what should I do, Iz?" She tried to think out her words clearly before talking. "I- I wish I could take back that night, I really do. And if you don't want to forgive me that's okay, but... I really need my person again."

Izzie sighed, wanting more than anything to accept her apology. But, she broke up what was possibly her only shot at love, and plus, she lied about it. Meredith wouldn't be good for her, things couldn't go back to normal after she knew what happened.

"I'm hanging up now, Meredith. Don't call me back."

That's when the tears started streaming down Meredith's face. Messing up her natural makeup and smudging mascara down her cheeks. She couldn't believe that 14 years of friendship just ended that quickly. Over a damn phone call in the least. And the only person she could blame was herself. Oh, and possibly Derek Shepherd. How was she going to get him back for this?

The next day Izzie wouldn't even look her direction, opting out of all their extracurriculars they'd signed up for at the start of term and leaving her by herself.

Meredith was alone during lunch, choosing to eat in the girls bathroom instead of facing the entire student population. All the while trying to stop her tears from falling every time she caught sight of her old best friend.

By second last period, Derek had noticed her tired and somber state, feeling increasingly guilty as Mrs. Marshall asked for them to get into pairs and she was the only one without one. But he couldn't risk his reputation just to get rid of some self hatred, he wouldn't survive until graduation if people started actually shipping him and the thin tiny scrawny blonde girl that still somehow reminded him of a fourteen year old.

So. Since then, Meredith simply pretended he never existed and her whole world turned upside down due to that stupid pig headed boy. Who, by the way, definitely needed to wear some sort of deodorant.

She opted to stay away from big crowds and avoid Izzie at all costs, using her last year of high school to focus on her studies and get into the best medical school she could.

And she did. Coming first in her class at Dartmouth and securing a spot at one of the best residency programs in America. By then, she'd found her people. Cristina Yang and Alex Karev were the best people she'd met in her whole life and put all her high school former friendships to shame. Plus, she was absolutely aware of her appearance changes, her stringy, greasy blonde hair turning into healthy and shiny curls that framed her face nicely and her body growing out of her preadolescent scrawny figure to one that represented what her actual age was. She was proud of who she'd become, and her boyfriend at the time, Finn, who was a vet (much to Cristina's despise), never failed to remind her of that everyday.

She'd found Finn on a dating app April Kepner had mentioned to her, something about how it was so hard to find men with the same religious views as her, though Meredith didn't really listen that hard. Anyway, she was sure he was the one for her, her soulmate, if you will.

That is, until a man with dark hair and the perfect dreamy smile happened to swipe right on her picture, matching with Meredith just when she thought her life had started to make a turn for the better.

A/N: hi! thanks for clicking on my story! i know this chapter is a bit long, i promise the following ones will be shorter! because this is just the prologue, it was kinda hard to shorten it too much since i wanted to explain everything but thanks for reading all the way till here, and i really hope you've liked the story so far!

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