Part 4

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Freddy's POV

I got out a new banner and painted 30th Anniversary and for the background I put little dots with the colour brown, purple and yellow

I used to put red dots before 1987, but red is a boring colour.

Once I had finished the banner I found a lot of table confetti with the number 30 and celebrate written over them and threw them on the table in the centre of the table I put our plushies on the table (this includes the foxy plush) I found some party hats in all the colours and some had a gradient I put them on the table to show where we will sit, finally I finished by putting some plain white plates on the table along with the knifes and forks.

Chica's POV:

I was asked to make the food for today's dinner so I got started right away

~Time skip~

Once I had finished I had placed everything on the table and checked if I had cooked everything:

* Pizza
* cupcakes
* Burgers
* Chocolate covered fruit
* Muffins
* Fudge
* Brownie
* Meat Pie
* Plumb pie
* Soda

"Yep I have made everything!!" I said in an exited tone while jumping about.

~Time skip to Dinner~

Foxy POV:

FOXY GET YOUR ASS HERE YOU DUMB MUTT!!! I heard Freddy yell from the main hall

"COMING!" I replied and quickly ran to the main area

I walked towards Freddy and the others only to see the table was decorated with confetti and had mountains of food and treats on it with party hats showing where we sit and our plushies in the middle of the table.

'This is so pretty' I thought

"Cmon foxy sit and eat the food with us" said Freddy

"Why are you being so nice to me" I said stepping closer to my place at the table.

"Oh this is a one time thing so don't get used to it" Freddy said in an irritated tone

"You bet this is a one time thing after today I'm never eating with him again" said chica with a disgusted look on her face while looking me up and down.

I sat in my seat I was next to Bonnie and on the opposite side of the table was Freddy and chica after a few seconds of looking at the food I begin to eat.

Bonnie POV:

I was eating my food but I couldn't help but look at foxy he looked so cute and innocent when he eats...'GOD DAMIT STOP THINKING LIKE THAT BONNIE' I thought 'sure he's cute, small and his fur is really soft and the way his ears sometimes twitch is adorable, and he's a genuinely nice guy but I don't like him....Right....'


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