Part 26

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Foxy POV: 

morning came up about 6 AM bonnie was still asleep when I woke up, his arm around me, a smile founds its way onto my face along with a small blush, I loved my bunny boy, i got up squirming out of his grasp, I gave him a quick kiss between his ears before walking out of the room heading to the kitchen, toy Freddy and Freddy were walking further down the hall talking with one another, I smiled at the sight of the two, I glimpsed over to my right to see none other than the grumpy rabbit, toy bonnie, he looked pissed with the sight of toy Freddy before heading into the party room behind him, I followed him into the room not caring if the others wandered where we were, I walked into the room seeing the him sat his legs up to his chest, arms round them in a comforting body hug so he was in a ball, his ears were droopy and head was against his knees, he was leaning against the wall in the corner closest to the door so it wasn't obvious he was in the room at first glance or by just looking into the room without going inside.

"hey toy bonnie you doing ok buddy you seem off lately?" I asked walking up to the seemingly upset bunny, he lifted his head from his legs looking up at me with a slight tint of hatred in his eyes that went away as soon as he saw it was me

"I'm fine," he answered sternly clearly distressed by whatever he was feeling

"if that's true why are you so angry or upset about toy Freddy especially at the moment?" I responded putting him on the spot for an answer, he sighed sadly

"if I told you the truth would you see me in a different light?" he asked giving me a slight tint of hope in his voice and eyes

"of course not your one of my friends after all, even though at the moment you're acting like an asshole" I chuckled, and he smiled a small chuckle escaping his mouth, and we both stayed quiet for a moment before he sighed, he was worried to tell me

"This is gonna sound weird, especially with the way I treat toy Freddy but he has been annoying me from his lack of recognition, that's why I get so annoyed with him, he just doesn't see the issue and doesn't get the hint" toy bonnie started, this only intrigued me more, I leaned slightly forward in anticipation a million thoughts and theories rushing through my mind with endless possibilities of what he's been bottling up for all this time

"what is it toy bonnie wont judge I promise" I reassured the blue bunny letting out a shaky sigh closing his eyes for a brief moment 

"ok well..I- I-" he started cutting himself off, he was stressed over this topic

"hey take your time" I reassured once again trying my best to hold my urge to tell him to spill a small smile flashed onto his face before quickly disappearing after another long sigh he opened his mouth finally getting the issue off his chest

"I like toy Freddy"

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