1. The first flashback

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"Hey." William looks up to see a smiling boy with raven hair standing above him in the sandpit.

"Hey," he responds, the sunlight blocking his vision of the boy slightly. It's hot against his pale skin all of a sudden.

"I'm Michael Wheeler... Mike," the boy corrects himself, "always Mike."

"Cool. I'm William Byers... Will."

"Wanna be friends? You're lonely. So am I."

"Definitely. You're cool, Mike."

Mike smiles as he haphazardly lowers himself into the pit, the silky sand brushing against his knees like the blankets in an expensive hotel room.

"Thanks." Except this time, it comes out as a whisper.


Mike groans as he slams his alarm clock for a fifth time that morning. It's rather dim for the middle of May, light not streaming through the thin fabric of his porcelain white curtains like it does most mornings.

"Michael! You're going to be late for school!" He hears his mother yell from downstairs, soliciting another, much louder, groan.

"Coming!" He roars back, the sound ripping painfully through his vocal chords. It's far too early for this, he mentally sighs, pushing himself reluctantly out of the comfort of his bedcovers.

Once he's dressed, Mike rushes around the house in a frantic search for his shoes. He's sure he left them under the coffee table, but Karen insists otherwise, instead scolding him for getting up too late, therefore having less time to get ready for school. Ted half-heartedly agrees with everything his wife is saying, just trying to avoid another altercation. After what feels like hours of searching, and more than one "you're a senior now", "you should be more responsible Michael", the shoes are found in Karen's room. Mike gives a smug smile at proving his parents wrong, then rushes out of the door, no time to buy lunch for the day. Oh well, he would just have to see what his friends would be kind enough to give him.


"I'm serious, she's crazy! This is the third time she's dumped me this month!" Lucas exclaims, voice full of vexation. Mike is stuck next to him on the bus, listening to his rants about Max and her clear inability to control her (perfectly rational) emotions.

"Well, maybe if you just apologised..." he trails off upon meeting the withering gaze of his friend.

"I'm not apologising until she gets over this. Apparently, I can't talk to other women any more!" Lucas' voice becomes more and more exasperated with every word, and Mike finds himself wondering how Lucas can act like the victim when he is so obviously in the wrong. He loves his friend, but he and Max really need to break up for good. He imagines treating El like this, and the thought makes him visibly recoil, so he turns his thoughts to his friends, Lucas' rant becoming a background drone.

When the bus (finally) arrives at school, Mike practically leaps off of it, running to hug El. He grins at Will mid-hug, and can't help but want to loosen his grip on El ever so slightly as the boy smiles back. He pushes away the feeling, hugging El tighter as if to prove to himself that he can.

"How was the bus ride with Lucas after his latest breakup then?" Will asks, trying to conceal his slight laugh.

"Horrible. I need to go back to sleep."

"Tell me about it. I was sat next to Max." Mike grins as he falls into step with the boy beside him, laughing over the silly squabbles of their friends. I never want this to change, he thinks to himself, looking gently at Will's smiling face. He's thankful beyond words for his friends, especially after everything that's happened in the past. And if Mike seems to move closer to Will with every step, nobody says anything.


The day is monotonous, hours dragging by until break. Once the bell finally rings, Mike has risen abruptly from his seat, taking El's hand and dashing out of the classroom.

"Why so fast?" She asks, confused at his urgency.

"Will and Dustin are on the other side of the school, we need to get to them fast before physics!" Ugh. Physics. Mike audibly groans at the thought, earning himself another funny look from El, but she can't question it, because they've reached Will and Dustin. Well, they've run into Will and Dustin. Will is almost knocked to the floor in the collision, Mike catching him just before he hits the ground.

"Jesus Mike, slow down." Will scolds, though he's smiling up at him with hilarity.

"Sorry. Got carried away." Mike chuckles ruefully, letting go of Will's sweater. Well, his sweater, Will just never remembered to give it back.

"As long as Lucas gets here soon, we should have about ten minutes." He pants, looking at his watch. Will nods, and he lets go of El's hand.

"Did you remember your physics homework?" Will asks Mike, raising his eyebrows in slight laughter. Mike never remembers his physics homework, and it's become a weekly routine for him to quickly copy Will's before the bell rings and they sprint to class together. Once again, Mike's eyes widen comedically and Will giggles gently. Without a word, Will's homework is in Mike's hand, and they're sat against the wall, Will explaining each part to Mike while he grumbles about not understanding a word.

"Mike, you don't need to understand," Will smiles, "just memorise the sentences and answer any questions Miss Brackley asks you." Mike nods, panic visible on his face, but then Will's shoulder brushes against his, and he's grounded again.


Taking his seat next to Mike, Will sighs heavily; he hates physics just as much as Mike, but at least he understands it. He zones out for a few minutes, trying desperately to pass the time with anything possible, when a flashback hits.

"Kill. Kill. Kill everyone." There's pain coursing through his veins, he can feel a part of himself being ripped apart. He falls to the floor, writhing and screaming. Anything... anything just to end the agony...

"Will!" Mike whisper-shouts into his ear, concern etched into the lines of his face. "Are you okay?" His eyebrows twitch upwards, and Will feels as if he is being searched by his chocolate brown eyes. Will nods quickly, before realising that he's shaking violently. Mike's hand shoots up rapidly as his eyes meet El's. She seems to understand this simple gesture, because, all of a sudden, blood is dripping from Mike's nose, and he's asking Miss Brackley if he can leave to clear himself up. She nods curtly, and Will feels his wrist being grabbed roughly as Mike almost drags him out of the classroom.

"What the hell Mike?" He raises his voice slightly as Mike drags him away from the classrooms and into the stairwell, where they can be alone.

"You had a flashback, Will! That's not happened in ages! Are you okay?" Mike almost yells, wiping the blood from his nose; El's out of range, so the blood flow has halted.

"For god's sake, Mike, I'm fine." Will tries to push past him and back to physics, but Mike secures his hand on the boy's shoulder, pushing him back. He raises his eyebrows, his face painted with a look of distress, and Will cracks.

"Fine. But it was just one, and it always gets worse around Halloween. It's the anniversary effect, remember? Like Dr Owens said." Mike nods. Of course he remembers, he can never forget the events of that November, but it doesn't stop him worrying.

"Ok, but... stay at mine tonight, just in case."

"But Tuesday nights are for—"

"El can go one Tuesday without a date. This is more important."

And when Will looks into Mike's eyes, his gaze is beset with sincerity.

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