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(I recommend listening to "Orange Juice" slowed while reading this, it hits different)

James' P.O.V:

I watched as the orange juice slowly poured into my glass.

I was having some breakfast and always started with it.

Something about orange juice makes me wonder, what could other's be going through.

Orange juice isn't clear, like other juices, so it could show that everyone hides something. Nobody's perfect.

Well, no one except my brother.

He's a famous singer and is always on tour

He's a literal millionaire, he's good looking, and he has every girl on earth asking to marry him.

And here I am, in an old apartment, without a girlfriend, and I'm working at a bakery.

Well, that's too bad.

Anyways, I kept staring at my glass of orange juice, so perfect yet it still hides things, when I got a text from my buddy Charles,..

Charles: Hey dude! I'm coming over, we need to talk.

James: Sure, lemme get dressed.

---- An hour later ----

I was sitting on my couch watching reruns of "What's Happening", when I heard I knock on the door.

When I opened it, Charles was standing there with a big grin on his face.

"Hey man," I said.

"Hey dude! I wanted to tell you, I met this girl at the mall, and I think she's just your type!"


"It's true, her name was something like uh... Emmy or something."

I looked down at the petite man and rolled my eyes. I was done with dating, ever since my last girlfriend cheated on me with my best friend. (not Charles, someone else lol)

"Oh, here she comes!," he said while looking back in the hallway of my apartment complex.

"Shit!," I said. I wasn't in the est attire, just an old t-shirt and some shorts. My hair wasn't combed and I was wearing slippers. I kind of slicked my hair back and threw off my slippers.

"Hey," a girl with bright red hair said. I looked at her an instantly knew who she is. She's my brother's manager/producer, Ellie Rose.

I wanted to know what the fuck Charles was doing with her, so I said, "Hey uh, can me and Charles chat for a minute alone?"

"Oh, uh, sure," Ellie said.

Me and Charles walked into my apartment while she stood outside.

"Do you have any idea who that is?!," I said angrily.

"Uh, no?," he said.

"That's my brother's snooty, low-life, bitch-ass producer, idiot!"

"I can hear you," Ellie said, walking in, uninvited.

I face palmed, there goes any chance of us being even FRIENDS.

She looked at me and smirked.

"I like guys who can put up a fight," she said.

I blushed, but not too much so it was noticable.

"So, you know Henry?," she asked.

"I'm his twin brother," I said, annoyed.

"Well, I knew I recognized you," she said back, "Hey, Charles! Thanks for introducing me to James!"

"No, problem Ell!," Charles said, being a chaotic innocent little shit he is.

But I still love him > <||| (in a non-romantic way.)

Ellie looked at her phone and said, "Oh, I got to go. Here, keep this."

She tossed me a CD.

I just threw it on my couch.

I looked at Charles and he waved innocently.

I sighed, he has no idea.

I walked over to my room and grabbed my phone.

"See this guy, Charles?" I said.


"This is my twin brother, he's a bitch."

"I think he's kind of cute!"

I rolled my eyes, damn Charles and his freaking gay-ness.

I pointed to the door to signal to him to get out.

He looked at me and waved goodbye as he walked out the door.

I sighed again, nothing could break Mr. Perfect over there.

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579 words!

Hey dudes, wanted to do this for some reason idk.

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