10 - I Couldn't Even If I Wanted To

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"Oh, there you are" Bucky's voice rung in a low husk beneath the darkened sky.

  "Hmm? D'you need me for something?" I ask, shifting from my laying position to better see him.

"No, no not really.. Just wanted to make sure.." Bucky trailed off, his voice petering out until it was barely above a whisper, and his head fell low and eyes cast earthwards.

  "Make sure about what?" I asked, eager to get him to talk. But he had other plans.

"Nice night out. Wow.. The sky is pretty clear tonight." Bucky continued to stare at the stars and ignore my question. Inspired by the stars, myself, I caved too easily.

  "Yeah.. they are... Hey, you wanna come join me?" He didn't seem to budge, only his lips twitched a little and he seemed to roll on the balls of his feet, as if in conflict with himself on the simple matter of laying with me beneath the stars. "Come on, I won't bite... And.. Plus, it's always nice to be in company.." still nothing. ".. Especially yours, Bucky bear" I tell him sheepishly, my voice a muffled croak and like lightning itself, his eyes widened and a cough came from him, clearing the stagnant air, then, by my side he sat - cross legged - at that.

"Right." He replied with, bluntly, his eyes cast downwards and suddenly his hands seemed the most interesting things in the world.

  "Dear me.." I chuckle to myself, shaking my head softly. "Come now, the reason you sat was to look at the stars not watch a defeated match of a lonesome thumb war! Lay back, relax.. Please?" Again in a sheepish tone I pose the question.

A slow but righteous nod came from him - yet he did not make any such effort to lay back. So, grasping his clothing, lightly in my hands, I pull him down, until he lay closer to me than I had thought possible... Well, possible without our mouths being locked within one another's. 

His breath fanned my exposed skin and mine his, I could feel the shiver he fell victim to from my touch, quickly pulling my hands away as to not make this any weirder than it needed to be. But he seemed indulgent on these such affairs, and he leant into the crook of my neck, whispering something, almost like a chant, I suddenly felt as though I were part of some ridiculous cult, but brushed it off as soon as his long pause, signifying me to answer and stupidly I nodded...

...So, as brisk as the harsh winds of November, he bent to me, like pieces of puzzles we fit, and like teenagers in want of exploration, we kissed.

TFATWS Zemo x MentallyDisturbed!OCx BuckyWhere stories live. Discover now