The colors are the color palete of the entire inside of the house as well as Dark grey. Everything has this color palette unless said otherwise.
This is the design of both Harue and Lucan's rooms, however, Harue's room is Dark purple, Dark grey and light blue. Lucan's room is Light purple, Light Purple and white.
This is the guest room, the Wooden wall would be the closet.
Guest reading Nook.
StairCase leading upstairs, except that you cant see the stairs, they are covered by a dark grey wall and of course the door.
Living room
Lounge area, (tv on the other wall across the seat also there is a mirror.
These are what the bathrooms look like, however, there is only one sink.
The closets (not the clothes in them tho)
The room signs, (I think you can guess who's sign is who...)
Viễn tưởng"Ugh, Finally!" A Male 25 human says stepping out of what seems to be a portal. Harue Myriad is a time traveller, for as he can remember. He has finally made it back to the present time from a very long "mission" as he calls them. Not even he knows...