chap 1

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Haru's POV


"Haru ! Are you reaching soon? The boss is looking for you!" an annoying screeching high pitched female voice screamed from the other line of the phone.

"Tch. I said i'm already on my way there woman. Plus you can't blame me for being a little late. My professor decided to release us 20 mins late!" I said bitterly as i ran along the bustling city.

"Whatever i don't care you better be here b-"


Clicking my tongue in annoyance as i cut her short. I took a deep breath before continuing sprinting along the sidewalk. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eyes, i saw something falling down from the sky at a rapid speed. 

Looking up, the harsh ray of sunlight decided to blind me at that very moment as the object is hurling down towards my direction.... 

But because of the stupid blinding light, it caused me to react slower and in a matter of seconds, all i could hear was shrill screaming from bystanders near me before blacking out cold.

Ah. Kami sama, is this the end of my meaningless life? But damn thanks for ending my life sooner anyways you did me a huge favour haha guess now I won't have to live a second longer to hear that stupid woman screaming at me every chance she gets. 

As i gleefully thought to myself, my surroundings suddenly flashed with warm blinding light enveloping me along with it. I closed my eyes to savour the warmth despite the confusion i was feeling.


"E-ehem... are you Haru Shoma kun?" A raspy voice could be heard in front of me.

As i slowly opened my eyes, i mumbled lazily, "Uh yeah, and who the fuck are you?"

The huge figure with long white beard wearing a familiar looking black and green checkered kimono paired with a white shirt underneath that says "I'm an otaku!" stood there sheepishly and replied nervously, "I'm Tanyou, God of the Sky..."

The fuck? Is he wearing demon slayer Tanjiro's get up paired with that lame ass shirt underneath? Tch. Whatever, I shall assume that I'm already dead and this weeb of a god is going to put me either in hell or heaven.

"Erm yeah sure Tanya or whatever, so i take it that i died?"

The God widened his eyes at my lack of enthusiasm but quickly snapped out of it and said, "Y-yeah, aren't you fazed by your sudden death? I mean it's kinda my fault but it was an a-accident..." His voice trilled off towards the end.

I raised up my brows upon hearing his last few words, "Kinda my fault but it's an accident...?"

"Wait, hold up old man, what do you mean it's your fault?"

The feeble looking God suddenly jolted up and slapped his mouth with his hands upon hearing what i said. 

I continued eyeing him suspiciously with a look of Go on, I'm all ears. Waiting for him to give me an explanation.

Heaving a sigh of defeat he confessed, ".... Erm so, i was watering my plants..." (while saying it he used his right hand to gesture the rows of potted plants behind him)  

"i erm... accidentally knocked down one of my plants while watering it and it seemed to have fallen down to earth and killed you by accident because you just happened to be t-there..."

Before i could even interject, the God continued, "i-i know this is unfair because you died young due to my mistake so i wanted to make it up to you!"

Tilting my head in curiosity i probed, "Oh? how so?"

Beaming at my sudden interest, he blabbered "Ah! I can give you two options, one, is to reincarnate back to your homeland, Japan, as another person or two, to reincarnate to another world starting over as a toddler with a rich, nice and comfortable life!"

Hrmm... the first option seems nice but then i get to live as someone else... what in the chances that i suffer again like having to tirelessly study, get a job work everyday like a robot. Won't that be repeating my previous boring life? 

Whereas the second option, starting over seems like a pain but maybe it's better to be reborn elsewhere apart from Japan since the way of living and standard of life here is too overbearing for a lazy person like me. 

Nodding my head in agreement, i looked up at the God who had his hands together as if praying that i would just pick one of the options and not stress on the fact about how he, the divine God accidentally killed an innocent human, me.

Sighing i mumbled, "Haizz.. second option i guess."

"Okay great choice! Now let me just set things up..." *bing* a window screen popped up in front of the god. 

Wow it's like a rpg game. 

I stared in awe as the god swiped and typed on the panel screen as if programming something.

"Anddd...i'm done! You're good to g- WAIT OMG I ACCIDENTALLY SET YOU AS A VILL-"

Before he could even finish his sentence, I could see myself slowing being warp into the darkness. The fuck he's saying? Hrmm I sure hope whatever that shit is trying to say isn't of much importance. I feel myself being swallowed by the darkness, along with my consciousness......

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