Chapter 13

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I lay in the soft grass, and the sun beats down on my skin. A figure steps in front of my light, causing me to open my eyes. "You good?" Jeremy is standing over me.

"You're disturbing my tanning." I can barely see him. My eyes are still adjusting from having them closed for so long.

"Class is almost over, come on." He holds a hand out to me.

Ever since the attack, Jeremy makes sure to stick close by when we're outside for class. Chancellor Niam is allowing me to sit out until my ankle is fully healed, so I haven't done much. Jeremy usually runs with his other pack members who are in the class. I catch him looking at me occasionally to make sure I am still safe. It's nice of him, he almost seems to be treating me as if a pack member.

He's also mentioned training with me during this class when my ankle is healed. Whatever that training may be, I agreed to it. Thankfully, it looks like my ankle will be back to normal by this weekend. Luckily the healing wolf cream that Jeremy gave me also works on a human pretending to be a panther.

"Are you coming to fight Friday?" Jeremy says as we head back into the building.

"Wouldn't miss it." I smile. "You're in it, right?" I think I saw a wolf in there, but I didn't know Jeremy at the time, so it could be someone else.

"Yeah." He replies, "I'll make sure to look for you."

"Do you know who you're up against?" I ask as Jeremy holds the door open for me. Most students are heading in or out of the locker rooms. Others are standing in groups talking to friends. The room reeks of sweat and burning rubber.

"Not yet. They posted the list yesterday, but I haven't had the chance to look yet." I'll have to ask him later than.

Axel is waiting for me by the exit like he does every day since we walk to lunch together. "I'll see you tomorrow?"

"As always." He gives me a shiny, fanged smile and then runs off to join his pack. The group's tails sway in unison; it makes me laugh. Jeremy has lunch after I do. I believe he mentioned that his next class is some kind of mandatory werewolf class.

Axel and I greet each other and head to lunch. Inside, Brandon is at our table talking to everyone. That's a first. "Hey guys." I say when we reach the table. Brandon gives me a smile and pulls me into his side.

"Hey Rei!" Paris says with a wave, "Brandon was just talking to us, he asked to join the table for today."

"You want to sit with us?" I ask while running my fingers through the bottom of his hair.

"If that's okay." He gives me a nervous smile. Since "we've got together" if that's what we're calling it, we have yet to spend lunch together. Brandon probably doesn't realize how happy this makes me.

"I would love that. I just need to go grab some food." I tilt my head in the direction of the different stands to get food.

"I'll come with you." Brandon grabs my hand, and we walk to the line together. We haven't exactly mentioned making anything official since the kiss... but by the way we are together and how he is treating me, I would consider us together.

On the way, we pass Brandon's original table. He gives his friends a wave but doesn't catch the irritated look Harmony is giving us. I see it though.

I order myself some fish sticks and grab a water bottle as well. I've never been a fish person, but the second I smelt them I knew I needed them. My ears perked in excitement and everything. This panther magic has even changed my taste buds.

When I go to pay Brandon speaks up, "Put it on my account, would you?" The man running the register gives a simple nod, and that's it.

"Thank you. You didn't have to do that." He always seems to impress me. Brandon kisses my cheek and guides me back to our table. If going out to dinner wasn't a date, we sure do look like a couple. I don't mind it.

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