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//Character development//

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//Character development//

Warnings: None.

      GEN WAS NEVER A big drinker, now she remembers why

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      GEN WAS NEVER A big drinker, now she remembers why. Hangovers. After she wakes up, she goes downstairs to make coffee. Her mom and dad were never usually home, so she was used to making stuff by herself. But once she gets downstairs, surprisingly, her mom was there. Sitting on the stool by the island. She gives Gen a quick hug. "It's not a holiday, mom?" Gen says, confused.

"I know, love. But, I decided to take time off work." She says, smiling. But Gen just stands there.

"Where's dad?"

"In Hawaii. Don't you have work today?" Her mom asks.

"Nope. Took today off. I didn't wanna have to deal with some specific people." She shrugs. She starts walking over to the coffee pot. 

"Who? Be more specific please."

"Topper and Rafe." Gen sighs.

"Oh. I thought you were friends with Top. Any boys or girls, at the moment?" Her mom asks. Gen smiles, happy her mom remembers her preferences.

"Yeah. A guy, Luka. He's...alright." Gen says. 

"Alright? What do you mean? Gen, I've told you, if they're not worth it then don't be with them." Her mom says, taking a sip of her tea. 

"Well, there's always room for character development." Gen says. She pours her coffee into her cup and takes a sip. 

"What about Topper? He's nice." Her mother suggests. Gen cringes.

"He's my best friend, and he's with Sarah."

"Alright, what about her brother, Rafe?" Her mom shrugs and smiles.

"No. No, no, no." Gen says, waving her finger.

"What about JJ's friend, Kiara?" 

"Mom, she hates me so much." Gen sighs.

"True... What about Kelce?" Her mom smiles.

"Your funny. I gotta go, but I'll call you." She kisses her mom on the cheek.

"Wha- Where are you going?" Her mom exclaims.

"Out. Somewhere. Midsummers is soon so I might go shopping." She shrugs, running out of the house.

"Your not even dressed...." Her mom whispers. She sighs and takes another sip of her tea. "That girl is crazy.

     Gen's been running around all day, shopping her pain away

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     Gen's been running around all day, shopping her pain away. She's found a few cute outfits. She's at the wreck eating lunch, the pogues decide to stop by. More specifically Kiara and John B. They sit in front of her. Whispering, she new if was about her though. "If you guys have something to say, I'm right here." Gen announces so they hear her. They turn and face her. 

"Is Rafe like your watch dog now? We saw Luka and he's beat up pretty bad." John B says, Kiara elbows him. 

"What? I haven't seen him yet, shit." Gen says, mostly to herself. 

"Yeah but you should cover your arm, it looks bad." Kiara says. Gen narrows her eyes and looks down at her arms. She sees two giant bruises, she gasps and pulls her sleeves down. Since she pulled them up on the way here. "And I have a feeling you didn't know those were there." She says.

"Just leave me alone Kiara." Gen sighs.

"We're trying to be helpful, idiot." Kiara scoffs. Gen sighs again and rubs her face.

"No you're right. Sorry. I'm just on edge, okay?" She takes a sip of her milkshake. Kiara and John B look at each other and sigh. They both get up and sit with Gen. "Oh, woah." She sits back.

"Calm down, we're here to help." John B says. "We'll break you and Luka up if you keep your dogs on a leash?" He says. Gen just stares at them like a deer caught in headlights. 

"I- But why? no." Gen scoffs. 

"You stuttered, Gen." John B said, crossing his arms. Gen sucks on her cheek.

"I'll tell you both the same thing I told Top, leave me and Luka alone." She slams her hands on the table and gets up. "And stay in your own lane." Gen storms out of the restaurant pissed. She walks around for a minute before running into Topper and Rafe, what a bunch of coincidences today. They both run up to her but she ignores them.

"I'm sorry for beating the shit out of Luka, Gen!" Rafe yells to her. Gen stops in her tracks and turns around causing them both to back up. Topper shakes his body.

"You gotta stop doing that! It's scary!" He shouts. Gen rolls her eyes and crosses her arms. "Listen the stunt we pulled was stupid, I'll admit that. But your not happy with Luka. I mean, have you even talked to him today? Look at your arms, gen!" Topper says. Gen pulls down her sleeves again.

"I'll talk to him when I'm ready." Gen mumbles.

"No, you'll talk to him when he forces you too, because he's a dick." Rafe scoffs.

"Why do you even care? Before, you barely talked to me. Now you wanna give me relationship advice? Now, you wanna ruin my relationship? We aren't friends, Rafe. We never have been, and never will be." Gen shouts. Rafe licks his lips. Gen just sees pure darkness in his eyes.

"Fine. I should've let him drag you out of that stupid fucking party. I'm sorry for trying to do a good fucking thing for you. I'm sorry for trying to be a good person!" He shouts. Gen fiddles with her fingers. Rafe and Top start walking away.

"Wait." She stammers. They both stop and face her. "I just- I'm planning on ending things with Luka. I have been for a while. But, I'm scared too. I'm scared he might hurt himself...or me.. He's aggressive. And I'm scared." Her voice starts breaking. Topper and Rafe look at each other than back at her.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Topper asks. She wipes the tears from under her eyes.

"Because, it's not your guys' problem to deal with." Gen sighs. "It's mine. I got my self into this situation, not y'all. I asked for it, by going on a date with him." She shrugs.

"You didn't ask for this, Genni." Topper says. She chuckles.

"Ugh, so many nicknames." They all laugh. Topper pulls her into a hug.

"We can go talk to him tomorrow, okay? All three of us can go talk to him." Topper whisper. Gen sniffles and nods. Once they pull away she looks at Rafe. 

"I don't do hugs." He says. They both laugh.

"I kinda wanna talk to you alone. Can you come over later?" Gen asks. He nods. They say their goodbyes and Gen heads home for the night. 

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