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I look up at the ceiling, listening to Soyer's soft snores and fighting the urge to wrap my arms around her and hold her close. What my uncle had told me really made me think, and I figured out one thing. Maybe I do love her.

I look over at her sleeping frame, her hair going every-which- way, a way in which some guys would find unattractive, her lips are slightly parted, and only one thought crossed my mind. She looks really attractive in this state. I smile a little and lie on my side, facing her. Ever so slightly, I lift my hand and brush a piece of her out of her face, then let my hand linger for a minute before bringing it back down next to me. I feel like a creeper right now, but I don't really care.

She stirs a little, and her eyes open, dilating before adjusting to the dimly lit room.

"Why aren't you asleep?" She asks.

I smirk, "you snore too loud."

"I do not," she responds, her voice tired.

"Do too, you sound like a chainsaw," I tell her, though she didn't really. I actually find her tiny snores cute.

She wrinkles her nose a little, "I don't snore, Asher."

"Do too, maybe not as loud as I say, but you do," I answer, then lie on my back, trying to keep myself from taking her into my arms and never letting go.

"Asher-" she starts and I hum in response. "-why won't you tell me?"

I freeze, knowing what she's talking about. I can't tell her, not yet. I close my eyes and sigh, "not now, kitten."

I feel her scoot closer to me, "please."

I shake my head, and look back at the ceiling, "I can't."

"Why not?" She asks.

"Because you're leaving," I answer.

She places her head on my shoulder, "I know, but I have to go. I can't stay here."

"Why not?" I ask.

She seems taken aback by my question, "why wouldn't I?"

"Because maybe you just shouldn't go," I answer.

"There has to be a reason, I can't stay for no reason," she tells me.

"So, if I give you a reason you'll stay?" I ask.

"I never said that," she responds.

"You did, you said that you wouldn't stay for no reason, but if you have a reason to stay, then there'd be no reason for you to leave," I reply.

"What's your reason, Asher?" She asks, her voice almost sounding annoyed.

"Because Sienna is your best friend, she's practically your sister. I know she loves you like one," I tell her, then look down to see her reaction.

Her eyes almost hold disappointment and I can't tell why. She sighs, "I cant stay."

"How long until they leave?" I question.

"One month," she answers. "Then we're on our way to Ohio."

I chuckle, "why Ohio?"

"My uncle's job," she answers. "And my aunt has family there."

"I can give you another reason not to go," I tell her, and worry what she'll say to my suggestion. I've never been nervous for something before, but right now I'm a nervous wreck, though I won't show it.

"Okay, what your reason?" She asks.

"I can't tell you. I have to show you, that's why you'll have to go out with me tomorrow night to find out," I tell her.

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