If I Were...

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Before I start off this new part, I just want to say that I am not a medical professional, hell, I'm not even good at writing. I suck. haha. So, medically if I get anything wrong. I am sorry. I'm trying my best to put these parts out for the one's who are interested. Thank you, for keeping up with my story. I have 3 more planned, I am going to start with a new one real soon. It's gonna be a good plot. Probably poorly written cause like I said: I suck at writing, but stay tuned for that :)

Side Note: I'm so sorry, it's been a hot minute since I've updated. I'm trying hard to upload when I can. Thank you for your patience. <3


Everyone rushed to the hospital after you left in the ambulance. Luckily, you went to the Hero Hospital because once Suki found out that you were pregnant he put you down in his insurance because he wanted you to have the best doctors out there. An hour goes by and no one has heard a thing about you, not even Suki. Another few hours goes by, and finally one of the doctors comes out and yells out y/n and so Suki goes up to the doctor and the doctor asks if he's the baby's father. Suki said, "Yes I'm her boyfriend and the kid's father, can you tell me what the hell happened I've been waiting for someone to come out here for a few hours already. Are they okay?"

The Doctor said, "I'm really sorry, Mr. Bakugou. The baby didn't make it. We had to perform an emergency C-Section on your girlfriend because it seemed that she miscarried. She should be fine within the next few weeks, but she cannot do any heavy lifting for a while, she must walk around whenever she can, we will have her here for a few days, then she can go home, and we will schedule a check-up appointment when she is discharged. You will be able to see her in her room soon."

Suki was so emotional he didn't know whether to cry or be glad that you are fine. So, he got mad. He dropped to his knees and brought in forehead to his knees, then he started punching the floor. His parents tried to calm him down before he blew up the hospital. When they couldn't, Kiri and Deku jumped in, and took him outside to get some fresh air. He was, of course, happy that you were fine, but heartbroken that half of him, and half of the love of his life was gone before he or you ever got the chance to meet her. He broke down even more when he thought of how you were going to react when you woke up. He didn't know what to say. He didn't know what to feel. It was the first time in a long time that Kiri and Deku had seen you cry like that. It was a different type of heartbreak and they could see that. It was deeper than the first time.

When Suki went into the room, he waited for you to wake up, and once you did... "What happened? Why am I in the hospital?"

Suki had his hands together over his mouth and chin, he looked at you with the saddest watery eyes, then looked to the side, back at you and said with his voice cracking, "Y-You fainted at the party, within seconds you were laying in a puddle of b-blood. You miscarried, and they had to perform an emergency C-Section."

"O-Our baby...our baby girl is g-gone? She's gone?" You said, while hyperventilating...

He was trying to hold back his tears the whole time, but once you said that and started crying, he went on the bed to hold you and said, "If I were God... I would of never let her slip away..." and you both just let everything out together. He was trying to put on a brave face for you, but he couldn't take it.

Once you healed enough to start walking well enough, you and Suki decided to finally have a funeral for Baby Kacchan. Misu and Pa worked everything out so that you and Suki can morn in peace, you wanted to be in charge of one thing only, and that was the name that was going to be on the tombstone for the baby.

The day of the burial, Suki brought the tombstone; No one knew her name, but they were about to find out. He set it down, then you took off the wrapping that was over it, you looked at it; It was black and grey, it was the last sonogram picture taken, and her name is Tennin Hannya Bakugo. You smiled while looking at it because it came out so beautiful, all these emotions came into your body and you started crying.

You said, "In Honor of Lilith, Tennin meaning an angelic being. Hannya meaning a jealous female demon. Tennin, our angel, Hannya...cause I know she would have been a jealous little shit when it came to Suki (Crying and laughing at the same time)."

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