Untitled Part 2

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**Hey guys i really dont know how good this chapter will be so let me know so i can improve if you dont mind. Give me honesty**

The rain pours down hard giving even more of a gloomy look to the already depressing cemetery. Dozens of blank tombstones lay around the graveyard each marking a spot where someone has been buried, but none have a name to distinguish who lies where, except one that reads David Quinn, 1998-2020.

“This doesn’t have to be your fate” I hear voice say from beside me. The voice is very soft and elegant like its coming from a queen, but also stern and frightening like the voice of an executioner. “Let them teach you. Learn to use the powers you have been given to lead humanity into a new age”.

“This is the third time you’ve brought me to this godforsaken graveyard and told me that same thing. You do realize I have no idea what that means right?” I say to her. I look over and see a beautiful blonde woman standing beside me. She seems to be at least 25. Her blonde hair falls in perfect curls around her shoulders. Her blinding white summer halter dress falls a few inches above her knees. The most incredible thing about her though is her eyes. Her sea green eyes complement not only her blonde hair but also her white dress which somehow avoids getting hit by every drop of rain. “You know you’re not exactly dressed to be in a graveyard”

“I brought you here to show you what your fate could be if you do not heed my warnings child.” She tells me completely ignoring my smartass comment. “Lead humanity into a new era. One of knowledge and peace. You will end the wars and division that separates your species. But be careful which way you go about it.”

“It says I die in 2020 right? So I just have to survive longer than the next 5 years right”

“Easier said than done. But let them train you and you may just live long enough to enjoy your new era.”

“Wait, who is they? Who the hell are you anyway?”

“All shall come in due time child, but for now you must awaken. When you wake you will be a few minutes before you were injured. Use this chance wisely.” The ground starts to tremble and crack before finally splitting under my feet. I plummet into the darkness only hearing one thing as fall “Do not fail me child”

My eyes fly open and I try to take in what is happening. I’m back at the park. I look around and see three people lying on the floor. Neither is moving an inch. I look in front of me and see Ally being held by some guy who is pointing a gun at me. Then everything comes back to me. The fight, the three guys must be Kyle and his friends. And the one holding the gun at me was one of them too, but both of them are standing perfectly still as well. Then I realize that everything seems to be frozen in time, even the birds are frozen in mid-flight. I remember what that woman told me. She said she’d send me back for a second chance. This must be it. I know what’s about to happen. And this time I can stop it.

Suddenly everything begins moving again. The birds, the wind, the unconscious kids behind me. I look forward in anticipation of what’s about to happen. And that’s when it does. The kid with the gun’s finger moves towards the trigger. I feel my heart start to race and my blood pumping through my body. I raise my right hand in front of my body and focus on the barrel of the gun. I can feel the adrenaline in every slight movement I make and then it happens. Four shots ring out like fireworks on the fourth of July, each one sending a small silver bullet flying in my direction but instead of piercing me they each stop a foot away from my body, hovering there surrounded a faint green aura. A silence starts to grow as the ringing from the gunshots die out. After what seems to be forever I let the bullets drop to the ground all at once as I drop my hand to my side.

I look up and see the guy with the gun just staring at me, speechless. I take this opportunity to strike. I move my right hand to the side of my body, focusing all my energy into the palm of my hand creating a mass of glowing green energy. In one swift motion I force it all in the direction of my opponent throwing him several feet back landing him on his back and knocking him unconscious.

“Oh come on did you really have to go that far” I hear Ally ask. “Besides where in public you could’ve been caught. You know the rule”

“Yeah yeah yeah I know the rule. No using our powers in public unless necessary. But he had a gun! If I didn’t knock him out then he would’ve shot again”

“Well let’s just hurry and get out of here before something else happens.” Suddenly Ally’s eyes start to widen “David…” she starts to say before is cut off.

“Well this just got a LOT more interesting” I hear a voice say from behind us while beginning to laugh. I turn around and see Kyle starting to walk towards us. “Honestly you are the last person I’d expect to be one of them, and since I doubt anyone knows about you I don’t have to bring you back to the Council. I guess I should kill you now before you get any more out of control. Not that you could ever be a threat” He continues to walk towards us but with each step he starts to change. He starts to grow taller and his shoulders broaden until he’s about 7 feet tall. His face begins to change until his eyes become smaller and more dilated and his face begins to stretch and grows like a snout making his face look more canineish. His teeth begin to sharpen until they create a point so sharp you feel like you’ve been cut just by looking at them. His arms and face also begin to grow hair and his shirt begins to stretch and eventually rip showing his now hair covered body. The only place not covered in hair is where his abs are with show a 6 pack ripped enough to make a bodybuilder jealous. As his transformation finishes he has now become some kind of wolf monster. Like a werewolf of some kind. If I wasn’t seeing this first handed id think it’s impossible but then again I just stopped 4 bullets and knocked a kid out without touching him.

“What the hell-?” I begin to say but I’m cut off when he runs up to me way faster than someone his size should be able to move and backhands me across the face sending me flying at least 20 feet. I feel my face sting and realize that I’ve been scratched by one of his claws. I look up half dazed and see Ally leaning over me. I get to my feet right before he starts to charge at me again. In the spit second of concentration I can muster I push Ally out of the way to make sure she’s not in harm’s way. I get tackled by this giant wolf man thing and he digs his claws into my arms pinning me to the ground. Somewhere in the background I hear Ally yelling something that I can’t make out over the sound of the heavy breathing of whatever this thing is.

He hovers his mouth over my face showing off his pointy canine teeth and mouth full of drool. “Any last words before I make a meal out of your worthless body” he ask.

“Yeah I do actually” I answer “Somebody should really get you some Listerine because your breath smells like pure ass bro” He looks at me and then laughs at me (which is more like a howl). I realize that he sees right through my attempt to hide my fear with jokes. “Ah I will enjoy eating you” he tells me and for the second time today I realize that I’m going to die.

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