6. Join A Deadly Quest? Okay, I'm On!

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The next morning, Chiron moved Y/N to cabin two.

Cabin two, like cabin one just next to it, was shaped like a box made out of marble. However, Hera's cabin was more graceful than Zeus's one, with slimmer white columns garlanded with pomegranates and flowers. Peacocks were carved on the walls and on the bronze door, which took iridescent hues. Inside, it was freezing; the room was bare, no bed, nothing. There was just a huge statue of Hera standing nine feet high, draped in a fine golden fabric, and a fire pit at its feet.

Now, Y/N the counselor of Hera's cabin. He didn't have to share with anybody. He had plenty of room for all his stuff; the Amphisbaena's fang and what Luke had given to him when he woke up. He got to sit at his own dinner table, pick all his own activities, call "lights out" whenever he felt like it, and not listen to anybody else.

Yet, he felt empty.

Just when people accepted him, he had been separated out as if he had some rare disease. He could see the fingers pointed at him, feel them.

Percy was no longer with him either. It was strange, yet Y/N had the impression he had lost something important, now that he had nobody next to him that didn't understand anything either.

Annabeth still taught Y/N and Percy Greek in the mornings, but she seemed distracted. She only half looked at them and didn't stay long with them.

Even Clarisse kept her distance. Well, that was pleasant actually.

The second day after Capture the Flag, Y/N went outside of his cabin in the morning sun. Just then, he spotted Percy walking fast toward the Big House, a satyr pushing him forward.

"Hey, Percy, wait for me!"

The satyr turned to him. "Sorry, no time!" he said.

He had to be Grover, the satyr Percy had talked about. He looked pretty excited.

Next to him, Percy shrugged—he didn't seem to know what was going to happen to him—and continued toward the Big House.

Y/N walked straight to it and arrived on the terrace. Percy and Grover were already inside, but Annabeth was waiting there. She was reading something in ancient Greek with lots of buildings pictured. At the same time, her foot drummed on the floor as if she couldn't stand any longer waiting.

"What's happening?" Y/N asked. "Percy and a satyr—Grover, right?—came here without waiting for me."

Annabeth didn't react.

"And I'm sure you know why," he said.

She closed her book, glanced at the door, and turned to him. "I think Mr. D would love to see Percy burning spontaneously," she said finally.


"Don't worry, Bovine Eyes, he won't do it. At least not now. He's off to Olympus for an emergency meeting. And while he's not here, Chiron intends to give Percy a quest."

Y/N blinked. What did she call me? He didn't know if it was particularly offensive, but it didn't seem friendly either.

At that moment, Mr. D got out of the Big House. He glanced at the stormy sky, sighed, and said, "If he's like that at the meeting...Roll on the end."

He noticed Y/N. His eyebrows furrowed as if he tried to solve a problem. Yet, in the end, he didn't say a word and left. As he walked away, he waved his hand carelessly, and a Coke appeared in it. Two more materialized just before Y/N and Annabeth.

Now, it was her who blinked, giving a startled look at Mr. D.

"What surprises you?" Y/N asked, taking one of the cans. "He's a god. You know he can do that."

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