showers and steam

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 you walk in slowly following your arm as it opens the door, the only light being the slight glow from the outside world which was gradually awakening, as you do so you see nat sitting on the edge of your bed waiting for you patiently. "oh sorry i didn't realise you were waiting" you say softly as she looks up at you acknowledging your presence, "it's fine" she mumbled avoiding my eyes but still looking in my general direction. both of you said nothing for a while neither of you not really knowing how to address the situation that just occurred, were you just caught up in the moment or is this something you both want permanently. you were brought out of your thoughts when nats hand began to move to the space next to her signalling for you to come over, with a slight anxious pause you sit down next to her.

neither of you were really sure of the others feelings for each other, both knowing where they wanted to take it but scared the other wasn't ready or didn't 100% know if that's what they wanted. nothing happened for a short while and you were shocked at this, seeing this side of nat a soft side that you'd never really been aware to before, the sudden edge to comfort her you grab her hand tracing circles in her palm with your other hand lifting up her to chin to make sure you're both looking at one another. "hey.. what's up, you know you can talk to me and if you're uncomfortable with what just happened outside that's fine don't worry about it we don't have to tell anyo-" you begin to ramble as nat scans over your face with her eyes slowing as she reaches your lips as she does so she leans in cutting you off from finishing your sentence. "i think that makes my feelings clear don't you" she blushed as she leaned out of the kiss which you wished didn't have to end. "yes i think it does" you smile at her not really sure what to do as the anxious feeling is replaced with a warmth even though your hair is still damp along with your clothes,still smiling you get up and say "i'm going to have a shower to warm up, you can stay here if you want i shouldn't be long" she just nods with her deep in thought. 

you step into your bathroom (which looks like the picture above) leaving nat alone on your bed. you remove your still soaked through clothes which instantly flops to the floor as the weight of the water drags it down, you walk over to the shower turning it on as the cool bathroom air penetrates your now bare skin. as the water falls out the head steam erupts out too filling up the room, you step under the now hot water slightly flinching at the change in temperature but it's not long before you're melting into the water looking up to the end allowing the water full access to trapes over your body. you begin to wash your hair unaware of the door of the bathroom slowly opening us the screen beside you by now is covered in the condensation the heat colliding with your colder skin along with the steam. you turn around to face to wall to grab a different product, no longer facing the opening of the shower so you were unaware of the figure behind you until you felt the warmth of their breathe against your neck and the softness of their touch against your exposed body.

as she touches your bare back you feel yourself instantly get wet which wasn't due to the water, after the instant wave of shock that radiated from her touch. you didn't turn around to face her allowing her to move your hair from your shoulder giving access to your neck which she began to kiss slowly getting more aggressive as she went while also moving her hands to the front of your body working their way up and down your thigh, slowly brushing her fingers towards your inner thigh tracing circles and she continued leaving kisses along your neck and shoulder. as the kisses grew higher up your neck you couldn't help yourself from leaning back into her your head rising and a small moan leaving your mouth, as the moan escaped your lips her kisses stopped and you felt her breathe in your ear as she whispered in a seductive manor "be quiet for mommy". from the second those words left her mouth you could feel the wetness growing down your inner thigh, she could feel it too and began to laugh as you continued to try and make as little noise as possible although it was hard with her warm breathe and kisses constantly on your skin. 

as her fingers travel up your thigh a little too far you quickly turn around to face nat, a smirk written across her face as she watches you bite your lip struggling to hold back another moan of pleasure. you move your hands up her body curving over her hips continuing to her neck where you rested your arms, your hands playing with her hair as you locked your lips with nats causing both your bodies to glide together, unaware of nat turning you round as you pulled away for air she pushed you against the glass removing your hands from her neck to then pin them up against the glass. you didn't bother trying to remove your wrists from her grip, watching as the water from the shower bounced over her body pausing to look over her chest, catching you admiring her she moved one hand down to your chin to life your eyes so you were now looking at her deep emerald eyes. the smirk across her face grew into something more as your face changed into a plea as you realised you were about to be punished for linger your eyes a little too long. she grew closer to you she once again whispering "remember to be quiet little stark" she then starting moving down your body with her hands meeting your opening you had to pause to hold in a moan while saying "yes- nat..." she added more pressure for you to correct yourself "yes... mom-my" you stifled out while accidentally letting a moan slip she quickly removed herself and traveled back up where her lips met yours to shut you up. still circling your inner thigh as she focused on your bottom lip, you let yet another moan out allowing her tongue to slip through into yours, you fought for dominance but nat easily won. when you took yourself back to catch your breathe you took the opportunity to push natasha back so you both stood in the now cold water both jumping at the sudden change is temperature you slammed the shower off and began to laugh at nat who was now slightly shivering as the moment ended and the warmth we shared disconnected.

she walked out the bathroom picking up her clothes from the floor and grabbing one of the towels off my rail, you followed behind her after putting on a robe, expecting to see nat when you exited the bathroom you were sadden when you saw she was no longer there and your bedroom door was shutting with the momentum of her leaving but by the time you reached out into the hall she was gone.

A/N this is my first time writing anything like this so please let me know if it's too much or not enough aha and again please let me know if you want anything specific to happen in the story x 

started off as a kiss in the rain || natasha romanoffWhere stories live. Discover now