Chapter 5

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Melody POV
We get out of the car and step into the small dance studio.

"Gee for a famous millionaire actor you sure do settle for the small things" I say looking at the wooden floor and scraped walls with a mirror lined against a whole wall.

"Well Just because Im rich doesn't mean that I cant stay humble." He shrugs and a woman and man step into the room in sexy outfits.

"Bernie! Ella! Hey. This is my date today. Melody" Vince says gesturing to me as the older couple smiles.

"Oh wow she is a beauty Vince" Bernie says eyeing me.

"Come dear lets get you changed" Ella says grabbing my arm and I look at Vince confused and he smiles before turning back to Bernie.

Within a couple of minutes I am slipped into a black short dress with little heals. We stepped back into the studio and Vince was in a black vest and black slacks.

He looks at me in awe and for a split second I blush but recompose myself. He grabs my hand and Bernie and Ella show us some dance moves. We practice with the music and soon Ella and Bernie say their goodbyes and leave.

"So your date for today...meaning you've brought other girls here?" I ask with raised eyebrows as we slow dance.

"They have met my sister who came here as my dance date...weird I know but we had to learn a dance for her sweet sixteen." He explains

"Oh my gosh how is Tiana." I ask sincerely.

Tiana was the only other one who was nice to me when I dated Vince back in High school.

"She's good..enjoying her Junior year."He says before dipping me and I laugh.

"I love your laugh" He whispers bringing me close.

This is so weird. I want to kill him yet I don't. Im not used to letting my walls down but with him Im gonna have to in order to break his heart. Todays mission is Get a second date.

I clear my throat and step away from him as he stares at me.

"Im gonna go change back into my old clothes" I say and he nods.

I walk to the back room and change before folding the clothes and placing them neatly on the chair. I re-enter the studio and Vince has already changed.

"Ready?" He asks

I nod.
I stand their a little awkwardly as we stand in front of my house.

"So uh did you have fun today?"He asks, scratching his neck and I mentally wanted to slap him.

I used to love when he would do that when we were in high school and now he makes it hard for me to concentrate when he does that now.

"I guess you didn't" His face falling.

"No! I mean yea. It was fun" I try my best to force a smile.

How dare he try to act like he wants me to have fun when he was having all his fun in high school; toying with my emotions.

"So uh wanna hang out tomorrow?" He asks nervously.

Get a second date: Complete

"Sure" I smile holding my pocketbook.

"Alright...uh see you tomorrow. Ill text you" he says slowly walking towards his car.

Once he is out of sight I unlock my door and walk in. Its late so Vicky is probably in bed by now. I place my keys on the counter and walk up the steps.

"I see your home"Blessing says coming out of the bathroom just as I reach my room.

"Yup." I walk into my room and she follows.

"How did it go?" She asks sitting on my bed.

"I wanted to take a knife and jab his eyes out in the beginning of the date."I glare as I change into PJ's

"Ouch. That bad"

"Yea. He kept being buddy buddy but all I could think about when I saw his face was the smile he wore with pride when my sheets were displayed in front of the whole school." I harshly throw my clothes into the laundry basket in the corner of my room.

"Mel I hope you didn't get physical with him...and not in the sexual way."Blessing sighs

"I didnt. I almost wanted to but after texting you I had to rethink how I presented myself. Especially when he started getting nicer and was teaching me to dance and smiled at me and would do little things that sincerely made me blush like a fangirl." Getting lost in my thoughts I didn't notice Blessing smiling at me.

"You're starting to like him again" She says knowingly.

"What! No Im not. Im just trying to get him to fall for me. Sticking to the plan." I say confidently, brushing my hair out.

"Mel you were in love with him senior year. You guys dated for a while and now he'st back and-"

"I dont like him Blessing!" I say glaring at her and she raises her hands in defense.

I dont like him...not one bit.

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