Chapter 1

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Melody POV
"I want every single person on the Lindsey story" I order as I walk into my office.

"But thats story is almost difficult to make" Nicki says

"What type of business is this" I sigh

"A tabloids business ma'am" She says nervously.

"And what are we called" I sigh again

"T-TMZ ma'am" she stutters

"So if our job is to get the stories. Then get the damn stories and dont make me say it again" I order and she nods before rushing out of my office.

I go through some recent stories placed on my desk.

"Bieber and Selena back on..oh please they are always on then off. Fuck that"

I throw it out and pick up the next paper.

"Harry gay" I roll my eyes and trash that one too.

"Nicki's fake ass..oh my goodness we already knew it was fake. Why cant anyone find a descent story to make" I grumble before just trashing all of it.

I huff and sit back in my chair before hesitantly sitting up again and opening my lap top. I log in and then open up google and search that name that I've searched at least a thousand times...a day. Vincent Yale. His photo pops up and I scowl at it. I look at what hes been up to and where he was spotted last.

He'll be here soon for his stupid school tour around all of California, and I'll be ready. After stalking my ex for a bit and then doing some paperwork, I slipped on my coat and headed out of my office. I walk past Nicki and she nervously waves and I give her a stern look. I go to the elevator and in walks Logan.

"Hey Mel"

"Its Melody Logan...Melody" I say huffing; hoping that I could get downstairs faster.

"Aw Mel, you and your jokes."

"Wasnt really a joke" I roll my eyes as the elevator finally reaches the bottom and opens up to the main entrance.

I start walking towards my black range rover and Logan follows.

"So I was thinking I could take you out sometime." He leans against my car and I get in.

"You're always thinking that and the answer is always gonna be no Logan." I say smartly and start my car.

"So what Im hearing is maybe" He smirks and I just pull out of the parking lot as he falls and drive off.

I pull up to my condo and park in the driveway; behind the familiar red ferrari.

I walk up the steps and open the door to the living room where I see Victoria watching TV. I shut the door and she turns her head at the sound.

"Mommy!" She smiles running to me and I hug her.

"Hey baby. How was your day" I ask

"It was so fun but this kid Tommy threw up in class. It was yucky" She scrunches her nose and I laugh.

"Wheres auntie Blessing" I ask and she points to the kitchen.

I nod and make my way to the kitchen while Victoria went back to the living room.

"Oh you're finally home. An hour late..again" Blessing grumbles; doing dishes.

"Im sorry but there was just a-"

"Lot of work. I know I know." blessing mumbles

Blessing is my best friend. We met in freshman year of college and she knows everything about me. She lives with me and watches Victoria sometimes for me. I love this girl to death.

The door bell rings and Blessing goes and answers it. She comes back with a large pizza and when she sees my weird look she says "I wasn't gonna cook today. So I ordered in".

I chuckle and put a slice on a plate and bring it to Victoria in the living room. I walk upstairs to my bedroom and slip my heels off. I change into some sweats and put my hair up in a ponytail before going downstairs and grabbing myself a slice.

I join Blessing and Victoria in the living room and sit on the couch; sitting criss cross.

"Any update on Asshole" Blessing asks as greesy goodness hangs from her mouth.

"He'll be here for 2 months...2...then this whole plan goes into affect. He gets here tomorrow morning." I say.

"Im on board for this plan Mel-"

I glare at her and she abruptly says, "Melody, but are you sure you want to go through with this. Its been 5 years" Blessing explains.

"Exactly. 5 long and fucking painful years that I had no one. He ruined everything. Everyone in high school rejected me and some friends I made...they left me after that. It followed me into college and people called me slut or whore and I had to switch college. The video still gets over a million views and counting" I snap

"I understand the pain you felt and still are feeling...if this is really what you want then Ill do it. Just don't use that language around Vicky." Blessing says and I nod; forgetting that the five year old was still in the room.

"Thanks Blessing. I really appreciate this." I say sincerely

"Hey, your my best friend. Im gonna stick by you even when you do the crazy stuff" She smiles and I laugh.

After watching some TV or a while, i picked up Vicky who slept lazily on the floor and walked up stairs to her bedroom. I placed her in her bed and covered her and then I kissed her cheek.

"You look so much like him" I whisper.

Yes we go out in public and people look at Vicky cause she looks just like Vince; we just shrug it off. Her brown mixed hair falls down a little past her shoulders and her hazel green eyes like her fathers. Of course Im Latina and he is mixed.

"Im sorry for how messed up your life is baby...Im so sorry" I let silent tears fall and stand up to walk towards the door. I walk out of the room and shut her door gently before walking into my room that is directly across from hers.

I get in bed and grab my phone as I log into twitter and open his profile.

"Cant wait to get turnt in cali. Where my cali women at???

I roll my eyes and shut my phone off.

Your cali woman is right here babe...and shes ready to break your heart.

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