10| Close the deal

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The subway ride to the bar is awkward. Milo stands directly between Dean and me, his hand hooked through the overhead railing as the subway jostles us closer together. I keep catching a whiff of the cologne he's wearing, which smells incredible, and I hate that I find myself leaning closer.

His eyes don't leave mine for most of the ride. His gaze is dark and intense, but there's this air of I'm undressing you with my eyes, too; my heart skips a beat.

I'm relieved when we make it to the bar because I don't know how much longer I could take being pressed against Milo and having him look at me like that. The three of us find a table on the rooftop, which overlooks the city skyline. It's cozy with its fairy lights and electric heaters; I hate that I wish I was only here with Milo.

After shaking off our coats, Milo heads to the bar, so there's this second where I'm left alone with Dean. He leans forward slightly, forearms resting right next to mine, and says, "What do you say we ditch the bodyguard and go somewhere else?"

I laugh it off like he's only looking, and the second the bartender hands Milo our drinks, he's back at our table quick as a flash, shooting Dean a disapproving look. Dean sighs and the three of us make small talk for a little while, but in my head, I'm thinking of all of the ways I can make this night go faster or at least make my escape. It's awkward enough to go for drinks with a client, but to have Milo here dissecting my every move is nerve-wracking. I can just tell that he's quietly judging me.

"So, about the property," I say, turning to Dean, "what kind of questions did you have for me?"

"I can't talk shop until I've had at least three of these," he says, laughing, and I'm forced to laugh with him. "So, what got you into real estate, anyway? Is it something you've always wanted to do?"

Milo, who hasn't touched the beer he got, sits opposite me with his arms folded, disgusted. He's about to interject, but I kick him under the table and beat him to it. "I've always loved the idea of matching people up with their dream properties," I say, "which is why I think this property would be perfect for you. You're single, successful, and clearly like to be the host. With a view of Manhattan, it's the perfect place to entertain."

Dean nods and steers the conversation to other topics, like where do I like to hang out in the city and do I have a boyfriend. Milo, for the most part, sits tensely in his seat, heeding my occasional glares, but at the mention of my potential singleness, he just can't help himself.

"So, back to the property," he says, his voice dangerously low. "Kennedy's given you all of the information you need to know. Have you made a decision yet?" He's tense in his seat, forearms wound so tight that I can see every vein and muscle beneath his tanned skin. He's clearly working hard to control himself.

"That depends." Dean's grin broadens as his eyes flit to mine. "If I put an offer in, do you come with the property?"

Milo leans forward. I kick him under the table again and say to Dean, "You couldn't afford me."

Dean laughs and finishes his drink. "Look, as a first-time buyer, I want to cover all the basics, you know? I don't want to rush into something like this. Buying an expensive property is a big commitment."

"Understandable," Milo says curtly. He's got his serious eyes on. His murder eyes. Usually, they're reserved just for me. "Perhaps it would be better for you to go home and think about it before contacting Kennedy. Via email, that is."

I look between the pair. I'm desperate to use the bathroom, but the thought of leaving Milo alone with Dean is terrifying. I'll no doubt come back, and Dean will be gone, found a week later in a body bag in the back of Milo's car.

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