With Jane to jail

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With Jane to jail

I quietly followed this Jane girl down the bare corridors. She walk steadily never facing me but this was my chance.

         “Hey what’s going on? Are you really vampires? What’s a blood singer?” I asked letting the questions tumble out of my mouth. She didn’t respond just kept walking. “Hey I am lost here help me out” I said feeling my frustration rise. She whipped around halting my step and flashing her fangs at me with a glare.

         “If you value your life which I don’t you will shut up and never speak to me again” she said coldly, she then got in my face and hissed. “If you do I’ll kill you” then she turned and continued to walk. I slowly fallowed her in quite storming on the inside. What a bitch, god I hope I don’t have to stay around her long. Before long, we were in front of a cell I mean really iron bars and all. What thousands of year old vampires got no money for bedroom? I walled in she took of the binding and shut the cell door, I just glaring at her from the other side.

         “Demetri!” Jane called out, and within seconds, he appeared. “You are responsible for her so don’t let her loose or starve” she glanced at me. “I am leaving I don’t ever see this ugly thing again besides I would probably forget she’s even hear but since you tracted her down you be better at noticing” she said emotionless but it still sounded bitter and cold to me sending a hurtful sting to my chest. I did nothing other than stare back, I wanted to laugh and mock her but didn’t. Who does she think she is any way, I hope this new guy can be of more help I thought. Looking over him more closely my eye’s widen Dam was he hot, change me to the dark side any day as long as he’s my tall dark and handsome. Jane left as soon as she was done telling Demetri what had been going on in the throne room as she called. Leaving him and me alone, I watched as his eye’s wander over me with that usual blank kind of look that makes me shudder insecurely. My mind flashing back to those horrible days at school all the teasing from every one talk about the ugly duckling factor. I had to know what was going on so I picked up my courage and spoke.

         “gehm um so you tracked me down huh” I asked meeting his gaze. 

         “yes, tracking is what I do” he said coolly.

“So what so special about me, and what’s a blood singer” I asked this time not meeting his gaze. There was a long pause I glans at him his face still void of emotion.

         “A blood singer is to a vampire someone who’s blood is unusually appealing to a particular vampire” he paused. “As to why you are so special I have yet to find out” he explained calmly.

         “oh ok so what do I do” I asked feeling nerves.

“If I were you, I would pray they keep not eat you, any way I’ll be back with your meal in an hour and don’t bother to try and escape I will find you” he said warningly and the walked away. I was exhausted so I sat on my stone bed and leaned against the wall letting out a sigh. So they  were vampiresI had to get out of here but if they I didn’t stand a chance, unless, maybe if I could turn them against each other just enough I could get away or maybe I could get them to like me so they won’t drain me but turn me. I always thought it would be cool to be a vampire, I study about them a lot but clearly, I was missing a ton of information.  I let a sigh and laid down letting my tiredness sink over me sending me in to a dreamless sleep.


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