Nine; Who Will It Be?

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Everything that needed to be said was over and done with. Niall believes me, but thinks that we need to take some time off, like there hasn’t been enough already. It’s only right of me though, he needs to focus on his career. The last thing he needs to worry about is me. It’s hard to take it all in, but if it’s meant to work out it will. And even though things aren’t the same as they used to be, it’ll all work out eventually. I hope.

I walked over to my mirror gazing at my reflection. I’m defiantly not the same person Niall left behind. Heck, he’d probably walk right past me thinking I was just another stranger passing by. But then again, maybe that’s kind of what I’ve turned myself into, and not just on the outside.

My phone rang, it was Jake. I still have that double date that I never worked up the nerve to cancel. There is no way I’m going though. I’ll just tell I got sick or something. I’ve already hurt Niall enough with a guy who means nothing to me so.. I should probably watch myself, no matter how lonely I get before Niall comes home. Maybe I could get a cat?

‘Ring, Ring’

“*cough, cough* Hello?”

“Hey Cailey, you didn’t answer my texts, you okay?”

“*fake sneeze* yeah just sick and stuff.”

“Oh. So I guess this means the date is off, huh?” He asked sadly.

“Well, yeah. Sorry. I have to go.”

“Oh alright, you sure you don’t want me to come over and take care of you or something? I’m all yours.”

“NO! Really, I’m all good.”

“I can bring you some soup or something, and we could watch some movies?”

“Umm. I have to go puke now. Sorry. Bye.”

I hung up the phone and took a deep breath. The only person that ever helped me get better when I was sick was Niall.  He’d hold me close in his arms, snuggled up on the couch. And he always brought me this tea his mom made. It worked every time. I started to tear up. He’d sing to me and play with my hair. God I could almost hear his beautiful voice in the distance I swear. I wiped my eyes and laid down on my bed. “Why did I let you leave me here all alone?” I whispered.

My phone started going off again. If its Jake I swear to god I really will puke. I picked it up and saw it was Lauren.


“You don’t sound sick to me missy.” She hissed.

“*cough, cough* better?”

I could just sense the eye rolling.

“Yeah. Way better.”

“Jake told you already?”

“Mhm. He said he was on his way over to bring you some stuff and chill for a little.”

“What a jerk!” I screamed.

“Oh yeah just terrible.” She laughed.

“He can’t come here! I don’t want to see him. He ruined my life.”

“Calm down. Do you want me to come over too? Just to get him moving along?”

“Would you?”

“Yeah. I’ll sprint.” She said, hanging up.

This is just not my day. Let alone my freaking month.

‘Ding, Dong’  Oh god. That can’t be Lauren, I mean if it is, she has some weird shot cut to my house.

I opened the door. It was Jake. Yay. Let’s throw a fiesta.  

“You okay babe? You do look pretty bad. Did you see a doctor?”

“No, not yet. But somebody else may be.”

“Okay?” He laughed. Handing me a container. “Here.”

“Thanks. I told you I don’t need anything though.”

“I know, but I felt bad, I mean you are my girlfriend.”

Those words stung. I can’t let this go on any longer. It’s just not right. “Jake… I really need to explain some stuff to you.”

He nodded. “Yeah me too.”


“Yeah, I wanted to tell you how much you mean to me. And I love you.”

Is it just me or is this room spinning? HE CAN’T LOVE ME.

“Hahahahaha!!! Good one! Oh, you crack me up.”

He looked extremely hurt. “Well, it wasn’t really supposed to be funny.”

And just then I had the best idea. If I just keep going with this, he’ll hate me and leave. Lauren won’t have to lift a finger.

“Really! Stop, my stomach hurts.”

“Oh no. Are you gunna puke again?” He asked, stepping back.

“No, you’re just quite the jokester.”

He nodded. “I mean it. I really do. I love you.”

And right then, I think I might have just snapped. “Get out.”

“What? Why?”

“Please just leave.”

He opened the door and in walked Lauren, great timing.


“You’re crazy.”

“Yeah and I still and will always love Niall Horan, so just add that right onto the list.”

He looked even more confused now as he stumbled out the door.

“Whoa. What happened?”

“I’m pretty sure I just ended the relationship. But, if I’m wrong, than this is just awkward.

She stopped. “You still love him?”

“Ew. NO! Were you not just here for that whole thing?”

“I mean Niall, you still love him.”

“Well, duh. I thought I made that pretty clear.”

She just stood there. I don’t know what she is thinking or if she thinks I’m crazy too. But I don’t care. ‘Wherever life take us’. Nothing will change that.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

I haven’t updated in forever. But im trying to get back on track. I don’t know if I’ll be updating my other stories soon, but hopefully. I think this chapter ended up being pretty long. I tried my best (: hope you liked it! I’ll try to update again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2013 ⏰

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