Three; Making Changes.

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I’ve texted and called Cailey at least twenty times since I’ve been here, and she never answers. I know by now she just doesn’t want to talk to me. It’s driving me crazy though; I miss her so much, all I want is to hear her voice and to know that she still cares about me.

I don’t know what I’ll do if she doesn’t pick up by the time I have to go on for my audition. There’s no way I can do this without knowing I have her support and that she’ll be watching.

Why won’t she just pick up?


“I can’t do this. There’s no way in hell I’m doing this.” I said to Lauren; giving her a death glare.

“Oh come on, lighten up.” She teased, grabbing the hair dye.

After hours of sitting in my room going on about Niall and how much I missed him; sobbing into my empty bucket of ‘Extra Chocolate Chunk’ ice cream, Lauren got the bright of idea of ‘changing my look’.

“No, my mom will kill me. Look you’re already making a mess!” I hissed.

She dismissed by objections and carried on. “Oh you’re mom won’t mind; besides you always said how much you wanted blonde hair!”

That was true, but it didn’t mean I wouldn’t get in deep shit for it! My mom was the biggest clean freak I knew, and just the sight of this bathroom now would make her faint. “I don’t care! I’m not doing this!”

But of course she just blocked me out, preparing to completely recolor my hair. “Are you sure you even know what you’re doing? I will not walk around looking like an idiot!” I continued.

“Oh relax-“ She began, but was interrupted by the door slamming open.

Oh crap, if it was my mom; I was sure to be dead.

“What are you doing?” Amber asked; walking in to gaze at Lauren’s ‘project’. I was immediately relieved to hear her voice and not my mothers.

“I’m trying to help her get over Niall.” Lauren piped in; smiling brightly to my sister.

Amber sighed a little, looking down at me. “Well, I’ve been there before and trying to redo your whole look doesn’t help a dam thing.” She said, placing her hand on Lauren’s shoulder.

Thank god, maybe I won’t have to go through with this after all.

“Yeah but-“ Lauren started, “Cailey’s been begging me to color her hair for ages… today is perfect!”

I’m rolled my eyes, at how easily Lauren could make up a quick story to cover her butt. “I have not.” I stated.

Amber laughed, and turned to the door. “Okay… but either way it doesn’t matter. You’re doing it all wrong.”

My face immediately went from irritation to worry. What the heck was Lauren doing to my head?

 Lauren shook her head a bit, finally realizing she hadn’t had a clue of what she was doing to me. “You mind helping me then? I’ve tried my best to follow the instructions.”

“Sure” Amber smiled, “But Cailey, there’s nothing to get over, he said he loved you didn’t he?”

She just had to say it didn’t she. All of my earlier thoughts began to run through my head. I saw Lauren quickly signal for Amber to shut up, but it didn’t matter I was already in tears.


Cailey had finally started to calm down. Her bright blue eyes were all read and puffy and her light brown hair was wrapped up in a messy bun. “I just feel like he’s going to change, you know?” She said, grabbing another tissue.

“I know sweetie, its’ okay.” I repeated for the hundredth time today.

She looked at me in disbelief. “No nothing’s okay. I can’t even think about him becoming someone different; and me still stuck living the same old life without him.”

At that very moment I thought of a brilliant idea. “What if you changed with him? Then both of you would have something exciting to keep your relationship going!”

“Our relationship?” She asked, giving me a sarcastic grin.

“Yes!” She continued. “We should totally recreate your whole image!” I squeaked, getting excited.

 She paused and then turned her head to the ground. “Oh no”

We went into the bathroom and found some hair dye in the cabinet with all of her sister’s things. This was perfect! She always said how badly she wished she was born blonde!

“You really think it would look okay?” She asked.

I snapped my fingers and gave her a honey- please look. “Babe, you’re going to look fabulous! Niall won’t know what hit him the next time he sees you!”

“I don’t know… this could go really bad.” She continued nervously.

“Oh please, there’s no need to fret! When I’m done with you, you’ll look like a completely different person!”

She exhaled loudly, “That’s what I’m afraid of.”

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

neeeww chapter!! hope you liked it!! I’ll try to get Niall more involved with the next one!! Lots of drama to look forward to so keep reading!!! fan/vote/comment?? thankkss !! (:

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