Chapter 9

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A/N We don't own any of the franchises referenced in this story. We are just fans.

Chapter 9

Samantha O'Neill stepped out of the stargate in Section 5 of GD. She was very tired, and was glad to see her husband waiting for her. She wasn't quite as happy to see her brother standing waiting too, however. Not that she wouldn't normally be happy to see Jack, but she was just way too tired tonight. Both of the men seemed to read her mood at the same time.

"I'll talk to you in the morning," her brother said.

"No, Jack, That's ok. What is it? "

"Really, Sam, it can wait. "

She was about to protest again, when something completely unexpected happened. The stargate opened again, and an old man walked through. What was stranger yet was that a girl of about twelve followed him.

The old man had a beard, long flowing silver robes, and a long staff.

For several moments, no one could speak. Finally, Carter found his voice. "Who are you?"

"I'm terribly sorry, Jack. I just needed to talk with Samantha and O'Neill," the old man said, as if that explained everything.

"You need to talk to me? " Sam was clearly perplexed. She wasn't sure who this old man was but clearly he knew her. He had her at a disadvantage, and it was not something she liked.

"Who are you?" she asked the old man. She noticed that her husband had his hand poised to call for security, but had stopped. He knew this old man but couldn't place him. Then, suddenly he had it.

"Merlin," he said simply.

The O'Neills, Teal'c, Daniel and Vala, and the Carters were sitting in Henry's office. The old man, Merlin, and the young girl were seated beside each other on a couch. Henry sat behind his desk. Jo Lupo stood at the door, glowering at Merlin.

"How did you get in here?" Henry asked. "This is a secure..." he noticed Carter shaking his head.

"This is Merlin, Henry. Of King Arthur fame. I'm not sure that all of the security in the world would stop him."

"Nor do I think we'll have much success in holding him, " Jackson said pointedly to Jo.

"So we're just going to let him waltz in here?" Jo was furious.

"And we'll have to let him waltz back out, " O'Neill said.

"Ms. Lupo, I assure you that I have a very good reason for coming here, if you will permit me to explain," the old man said.

Grudgingly, Jo nodded.

Merlin turned to Henry. "Dr. Deacon, how we got in here isn't important. Daniel is quite right that your security couldn't stop me." He turned to Jo. "It really is top notch security, Mz. Lupo. It is as good as the security on Atlantis at the height of the Wraith war. " He turned back to Henry. "I'm here for two reasons, actually. One is to bring Jade here, to her parents, and the other is to help you in fighting the Ori. "

"Bring Jade to her parents?" Vala asked.

"Why yes."

"Who are her parents?" Teal'c asked.

"I'm terribly sorry. In all the confusion I didn't get a chance to introduce her to all of you. This is Jade O'Neill."

Once Merlin made the declaration that Jade was the daughter of Jack O'Neill and Sam, Allison ran to her lab, and grabbed a portable DNA scanner. She ran it over all three of them, as well as Merlin himself.

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