Ch. 3: Mutiny

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Oga stood there for quite some time, merely taking in the current situation. A giant tree Pokémon seemed to be... protecting this girl.

"Oga! Snap out of it, man!" Shien urged, causing the veteran to shake his head and become a bit more alert, "What the- hey! Look out from below, everyone!"

Shien noticed two squirrel Pokémon causing mischief from above. One was a flying squirrel Pokémon that was stretching out its arms and attempting to electrocute the grunts, and another relatively large squirrel Pokémon that was pouncing down onto other grunts to potentially distract or even wound them.

Namely Shien.

He pried the Pokémon off of his face and, in his anger, sent out his Nidorino to deal with it. He scoffed.

"Tch, this is stupid. But that's probably the girl Giovanni was talking about," Shien told Oga, "The other three will try to stop the tree. I'll fight this one, you take care of the flying squirrel, and we'll reconvene to take care of the tree with the group."

Oga hesitated but nodded. He took his Poké Ball and sent out his trusty Bouffalant. It mooed upon release, stomping its hooves at the flying squirrel.

"Bouffalant, this one can fly. Be careful," Oga warned. Bouffalant nodded and snarled. It charged toward the squirrel, who grinned smugly and flew up into the air to evade attack. It then encased itself and electricity and tried to tackle the Bouffalant, but the Bash Buffalo Pokémon sidestepped. Not losing its momentum, however, the squirrel swerved upwards rather than crashing into the ground. Although the electricity encasing its body was gone, it was still ready for battle and it readied its wings for what seemed like an Aerial Ace attack.

Before Bouffalant could react, the flying squirrel Pokémon had created a large gash across its torso. Bouffalant whinnied in pain, and Oga had seen enough.

"Alright partner, time to pull out the Stone Edge. Let's end this!" Oga commanded. Bouffalant nodded in understanding and stomped on the ground. Suddenly, massive pointed rock structures emerged from the ground and rose up faster than the flying squirrel Pokémon was able to avoid them. One of them struck the squirrel, causing it to flinch and fall to the ground.

So I was right... it was a flying type, probably a Flying-Electric dual typing of some variety... Oga pondered, That's so interesting... the only Flying-Electric type we know of in the Kanto region is the legendary Zapdos... but it makes sense, considering the Kanto region is the least diverse in the world...

Upon confirmation of its victory, Bouffalant cheered and Oga pressed the button on his Poké Ball, recalling the buffalo Pokémon. He then glanced at Oga, who had already defeated the other squirrel. The girl had taken notice of the two fainted squirrel Pokémon, so she rushed over and took two Poké Balls. She recalled them and gazed at them sadly.

"Poor things..." she lamented, then turning to the tree Pokémon, "Come on, Trevenant... please, get us out of this mess..."

"Wh-what the hell...?" a male grunt with green hair stammered, watching as his Raticate simply phased through the tree Pokémon, "My attacks aren't doing anything!"

"Heh heh heh..." the girl giggled, "You're supposed to be the best of the best, right? Don't you know Normal-type attacks don't affect Ghost-types?"

"It's Ghost-type?!" a female grunt with blonde hair was a little taken aback, "I don't have anything that can do damage against Ghost-types..."

"Ugh, I've had enough of this!" a male grunt with black hair stomped angrily. He recalled his Kangaskhan and charged at the girl and swiftly karate-chopped her neck. She groaned and passed out as the man grinned wildly and picked her up by the collar of her shirt with his right hand. He then took a switchblade knife out of his pocket with his left and put it up against the girl's throat.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2021 ⏰

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