Shopping with Alfie and Jaspar.

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* Zoe's POV*

I woke up to a sleeping Alfie. I kissed his forehead and got ready for the day. I then texted Caspar because, he is always up before my annoying brother.

Me: When r u guys coming?

Caspar: Let me wake Joe up, let him eat a bit and then he can get dressed and we'll head over. But remember it's still 6:30 rite now.

Me: I know. I'll wake Alfie.

Caspar: Kk cya.

Me: K.

I then made myself a smoothie with strawberries and bananas. After making my smoothie it was 7am. I continued a group chat from yesterday.

Me: Who else is up?

Caspar: Well duh.

Troye: I'm a few hours ahead of u remember!

Tyler: I still haven't slept.

Me: Tyler ur 5 hours behind!

Tyler: Whatever.

Caspar: How do u wake a Joe up?

Me: Grab pots and pans and bang them together.

Caspar: OK!

Troye: Lol.

Louise: My phone keeps going off and u guys woke me up and ur gonna wake Darcy!

Me: Sorry Chummy

Louise: No worries I put my phone on silent.

Marcus: I was jogging and my phone went off. I thought it was Alfie and then I looked at the time and said "It's never going to be Alfie texting me this early."

Caspar: Lol Marcus!

Me: Is Nimbob awake?

Marcus: Not yet but, u guys mite wake her.

I then heard Alfie yelling "Can you guys every stop going on your phones!"

Me: We woke Alfie!

Caspar: I already woke Joe. He's gonna kill me. I'm hiding under the sink!

Me: Lol, tell him my dad is coming today and is grumpy, that will make him not want to kill u.

Caspar: Ok...

Alfie: Go to sleep!

Marcus: Dude it's 7:25 get off ur ass and get up.

Joe: Zoe!!!!!!

Me: I'm older.

Joe: I hate u.

Me: I know u don't mean that.

Joe: Ur rite.

Me: We're Verified!

Caspar: WE KNOW!!!!

Tyler: Aww baby Caspar is upset.

Troye: Hey!

Me: And Troye's jealous of Caspar.

Troye: Am not.

Joe: We're leaving now. Cya in 2 hours Zo and Alfred.

Me: Ok baby bro.

Joe: Never call me that again.

-----2 hours later-----

There was a buzz at the intercom in my flat. "Joe and Caspar" I heard them say. I buzzed them in and a few minutes later Joe and Caspar walked in. "Joe, Caspar!" Alfie yelled. "Let's Go!" I yelled. We waited a bit and Caspar vlogged for me a bit. We then went to a shop in the mall and I helped Joe and Caspar pick outfits out. Alfie and I let them choose more items we went to the baby section to see if anyone we know need any. "SacconeJolys, No, any friends parents? Any family?" Alfie I asked. I shook my head no. I loved baby clothes. I then started vlogging and told my viewers what was going on then when Alfie was saying 'And these are mini versions of what Im wearing.' I got up and said "I want a baby. Alfie what do you think about that?" "No, no, no" I pouted. I then gave my camera to Alfie and Joe came over to us. "Look how cute." I said holding a cute little white and yellow onesie. Joe then said " it kinda worries me that Zalfie is baby shopping." To excited I said "Uncle Joe!" Joe then gave Alfie a death stare and Alfie repeated what he said earlier "No, no no." Joe then said "Alright" and we walked out buying clothes for Caspar and Joe. I drove home. We watched Catching Fire. When it was over we ate McDonalds for dinner. We then watched Hercules. after Hercule sit was 11:30 and Joe and Caspar had to leave. I gave Joe a hug and then I gave Caspar a hug. After they left Alfie and I had hot chocolate then I went to bed and watched the SacconeJolys daily vlog. After 20 minutes I was to tired and fell asleep. I had a good day with my boyfriend, my brother and one of my best guy friends.

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