Back and Better Than Ever

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Authors Note:

Shocker! Katie starts the chapter with an author's note *everyone gasps*. So some talk about a visual rep for Cecilia: There isn't one right now I'm trying to find someone that looks like how I picture her but I can't find someone. I have someone for Zach (Cody Longo, picture above) and for Drew (don't know the name pretty sure he's a tumblr boy the picture is somewhere). I also have one for Lilly (last chapter). So yeah in case you need help picturing folks. You're welcome. Second, thanks for be so patient with me on my little hiatus and be so understanding, I greatly appreciate it. Thirdly, thanks SO much for 20K reads. It means so so so much to me that you would all take the time to sit down and read my book. Lastly, in case any of you fucks from work found my book, flush the damn toilet when you're done. I'm done flushing your urine and your deification down the toilets everyday when I get to work. Bastards.

Zach POV

When I wake up I feel a false sense of security. I know that I'm not at home, but with the small body and constant heat from Lily pressed against my side, I feel oddly warm and safe. I hear loud footsteps outside the cell like confinement area they have us in. As I straighten my body out a bit more I feel the cold of the cement floor lech into my skin, counteracting Lily's warmth.
The steps get closer until I hear the metallic clang of keys against the door of the cell Lily and I are in.
"Uncle Zach?" I hear Lily's small, somewhat sleepy voice.
"Yeah. I'm right here." I door opens and I see a feminine figure flanked by two larger bulkier figures.
"Morning, sunshine." The woman says. I know her voice. I've heard it before. She walks closer and I hear the click of high heels. She stops in front of me as I push Lily behind me them kneels in front of my face. The darkness of the cell provides the woman in front of me a veil of coverage so I can't see her face.
"Let her go." I motion behind me talking about Lily. The woman makes a tsk sound.
"You're clearly in no position to be making plans, Zach." She says.
"Let her go or I swear to God I will hunt down everyone that you've ever known and kill them as slowly as possible."
"Oh, like brother like sister. She said the same thing, but you see you guys can't hurt me." She grabs my face between her thumb and middle and forefinger. "You see, about eighteen years ago you and your sister killed my husband. I held him as he died. The cornier called it heart failure, but I know he was poisoned. By your sister. For eighteen years I've been trying to find you. You guys were very hard to pin down. I'll admit the two of you are good, but I'm better."
"If you think you're gonna lay a finger on my sister or my niece or anyone else in my family, you're fucking delusional you bitch." She laughs humorlessly and hits me in my face. Her nails scratch my cheeks.
"But you're to late, Zach. I already made a deal with your sister. You'll see her tonight." She says. The woman motions forward with her hand and her two thugs come forward and grab my arms. They pull me up and away from Lily. I hear Lily scream. I kick one in the leg, giving a weak attempt at taking out his knee and it surprisingly works. He falls and groans loudly in pain. I turn to the other one and stop his arm with my forearm just as he is beginning to throw a haymaker at me. I punch him in the face twice and he falls. I turn and see the evil woman leave gripping Lily's upper arm dragging her along with her.
"Uncle Zach!" Lily screams. I can hear the terror in her voice as the door to the cell is slammed in my face.
"LILY!" I hear her crying growing more and more distant.
"SHUT UP!" I hear the woman screech and then I hear skin slapping skin as of she was smacking my niece. The thought makes me sick.
"LILY!" I scream again and bang on the opaque walls with my fists, willing it to break under my touch. I place my head against the wall.
"Lilly." I say again quietly.

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