Taken Pt. 2

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Hello! As promised I am back! I got a comment requesting more action so that's the direction I'm gonna go in. Yay!~ Kat <3 (will be a better chapter tomorrow. This is short and crappy sorry! Please do t hate me will be more actiony later) ;)

*may contains graphic imagery*


Cecilia POV

When the dark figure gets closer, I learn its a man. He has one light blue eye and one that ,from a distance, looks like its yellowy-green, okay ew. He flips on a light and I find I'm right he's also got thin black hair and he's a bit in the chubby side. I turn my head and the sight before me is absolutely disgusting. A person with half of their arm exposed, and I don't just mean like the arm I mean the blood vessels and muscles in the persons arm are hanging out, creating a puddle of blood on the floor. Its not breathing. Another person, I can identify as a man, has most of his internal organs splayed all over the ground with a few puddles of vomit around him. Ok

Ew-er. Turning my head to the right, I can identify this person as a female, is cut apart. Literally apart, her head lays about two feet from her body, her torso lays disturbingly close to me, her arms thrown across the room, legs thrown at random angles, and feet that are oddly bent and colorless up by the head. All in one gigantic pool of blood. Well this will be interesting.

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