chapter 3

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⚠️ There may be some suggestive content in this chapter, I'll add a warning sign when it does for those who don't want to read it ⚠️

Fuck him,Fuck him,Fucking Fucktard

Did he really have to hold her back after school?
Yes she was rude, yes she probably shouldn't have been, but come on really, detention?

That was just cruel and rude she thought as her angry stops echoed throughout the now desolate halls of the school.

The ruffles of her skirt fluttering around her thighs as she briskly made her way to the god forsaken door that led to Mr.Jeon.

She paused, hesitating to knock. Maybe she could just turn around now, act like she had forgotten that she even had deten-

"Come on in Miss.Kim".

Groaning she slid open the door and stepped into the room, shutting it behind her.

She didn't really know what she had been expecting, yes she knew what the room looked like, she learnt in it everyday but today it looked, peaceful.

The windows that reached the ceiling where all open causing the soft breeze to jostle the white curtains. Branches with blooming pink flowers came into view at the slight tilt of your head.
It was beautiful but a foreign sight to Y/n.

Especially with the devil meters away from her.
He was bent over, gazing down at a sheet of paper. The light filtering in from the windows cast a soft glow on him. He wore a white button up shirt that hung loosely around his broad shoulders.
His hair was ruffled, like he'd consistently run his hands through it.

After a brief moment of silence with only the sound of his pen scribbling against the paper, he lifted his head and peered at her.

"I presume you know what you are here for?"

She didn't respond and simply nodded before advancing to one of the many desks in the room.

"Oh no, you see it would seem someone forgot their cleaning duties today, so as punishment you will finish it for them. Understood?"

Her eyes lifted to meet his. Seething she grumbled a low "yes" and walked to the back of the classroom for the supplies.

Luckily the bucket had already been filled with water so she poured some cleaning liquid and quickly dunked a piece of cloth into it.

Turning to the windows she groaned as she realized she would have to lift herself onto the shelves to reach that blocked direct access to the windows.

Grabbing the handle of the bucket and placing it on the shelves, she extended her arms and pushed herself up, quickly placing a knee beneath her to balance herself after finally having pushed herself upright.

And with that she got to work, with only the sound of the birds chirping and Mr.Jeons pen running along the sheet of paper to occupy her ears.


A loud sigh escaped her lips as she wiped her brows, she had been working on these windows for a half-hour and wasn't even near close to finished.

Deciding that she needed something to drink, Y/n gingerly placed her foot near the edge of the shelves she stood on, swinging one leg off to jump down. She placed her hands down clutching the edges to stabilize herself, just as she began her leap to the ground she felt herself lurch forward. The hem of her skirt had gotten caught in the cracks of the shelves, restraining the fabric from moving and inevitably sending her flailing to the ground, right on her open water bottle.


A yelp of surprise resounded throughout the room. Y/n braced herself for her descent to the hard, not so welcoming ground. Ok that might have been dramatic but it would still hurt.

With her eyes tightly sewn shut she waited for the impact. After a few seconds however she let out the breath she had been holding.

Why hadn't she felt the ground yet? Why was she not squished to the floor like cockroach?

⚠️                            ⚠️                            ⚠️

Tentatively she opened her eyes and to her horror she found her face growing extremely hot.

Beneath her lay a disgruntled,wet Mr.Jeon.

The hems of her skirt had ridden up exposing her thighs that were tightly situated on either side of his torso, trapping him under her. His ragged breaths caused his chest to heave up and down against her hands.

Moments passed in silence. Moments filled with both individuals frozen in place. Slowly Y/n raised her eyes to meet his face only to be startled as she meet his dark gaze. Her eyes scanned his face.

A small gasp was heard as y/n quickly scrambled off of him, furiously pulling her skirt as low as possible.
Slowly he got up from the grounf to brush himself off,then lifting his eyes to meet hers.

"Are you-" his voice trailed off as his eyes moved down her body.

She quickly glanced down and bit her lip to stifle the squeal that threatened to leave her mouth.

The white button up shirt was soaked through. Droplets of water softly plopped onto the ground as she hastily grabbed the material trying to desperately pry it off the skin it clung too.

Mr.Jeon cleared his throat looking down as he moved past her towards his desk.

"That'll be all for today, Miss Kim, I'll finish up here"

Y/n opened her mouth to but stopped herself from speaking.
Apart from her being completely soaked, this was good, she could leave early and finally get away from him.

"I-okay, I'm sorry about the mess...sir-"

"Please don't call me that right now" he barked abruptly, still with his back facing her.

Her eyes lifted from the spot on the ground she had previously kept her gaze trained on.


What's wrong with him?

"I said that will be all Miss.Kim, now leave my classroom so I can clean your mess up"

A small scoff could be heard as she quickly dove down to grab her bag and stormed out of the room, not bothering to gently slide the door close.

First he forces me to clean the whole room for something that wasn't even that bad, then he yells at me, what the hell was his problem?

Sighing loudly as she reached the gates of the school she turned one last time to peer at the side of the building where the window to his room was visible.

She would definitely have to talk to him, try to smoothe things over with him, ask him for a "redo".

She definitely didn't want her last year of high school to be affected by some teacher who had a stick up his ass.

Yes, she'll talk to him privately next week.

Hopefully it would go well.

Sorry the update took so long I'm just trying to get the story to move along 😭

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