Chapter 18

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Maya exhaled as she looked how everyone was slowly busy with the arrangements for Christmas and Thanksgiving. She was now 34 weeks pregnant and getting more and more excited to have some time with her baby girl. As she got further in the pregnancy she didn't have many scares to where she would say the baby would be in danger but she was also still scared about what could possibly happen.

"Lovey, come here," Josh said as Maya came closer to her fiance where he showed her a bunch of pictures from when he was young.

Smiling at the pictures Maya felt a cramp not saying anything as it slowly got worse.

"Are you okay?" Josh asked.

"Um no. I'm not sure what's going..." Maya said as she felt a sharp pain.

"Ah, I think..."

"We're going to the hospital. We'll see you guys later. Come," Josh said as he and Maya went to the hospital.

Driving to the hospital Maya slowly thought of it as labor. She didn't think at 34 weeks she would even remotely be able to give birth to her child but then also it felt like everything was standing still. Going into the hospital they immediately helped Maya as they told her she was in labor. Exhaling at the news Josh let everyone know while Maya was being transferred to the labor and delivery room. Being scared but also thankful that they got there in time Maya looked at Josh who was talking with Riley on the phone as the doctor came in to give her an epidural. As the pain started to become worse the epidural helped Maya to cope with the pain easier. Being at a 6 already when they first checked her she knew the baby would come soon.

"This is a disaster. We are not ready at all," Maya said as Josh exhaled.

"Rory is though. You'll be fine," Josh said.

"She's going to be a premature baby. Are you sure she's ready?" Maya asked as Josh exhaled seeing as the lines went up and down showing she was having another contraction.

"Feel nothing?" Josh said as Maya nodded.

"Nothing at all. Listen, when they ask who is going to go into the room I don't want Riley or anyone there. I want you there," Maya said.

"Okay then," Josh said as the doctor came back in.

"Okay, Maya. Let's quickly check you again. How are you feeling?"

"Good," Maya said.

"Okay you're ready to push. Who's going in with you?"

"Just my fiance, Josh," Maya said.

"Let's go then."

Breathing in Maya exhaled as she as close to delivering the baby. Being scared because the baby is going to come so early it was a nightmare for her while at the same time she couldn't wait to meet her daughter.

"Okay, Maya. You're doing good. One more push. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10."

"You're doing great," Josh said rubbing over her arm.

"Maya do you have some hugs and kisses saved up? The baby will be here with the next push," the doctor said as Maya pushed again.

Immediately hearing crying noises tears streamed down maya's face as they placed the baby on her chest.

"Hi, Baby. Hello, Honey," Maya said as Josh looked at her smiling tears over his own face.

"You did amazing," Josh said kissing Maya as he looked at his daughter.

"Hello, Pumpkin. Hey. Hi," Maya said as she smiled.

"Name?" the doctor asked.

"Aurora Hope Matthews," Maya said.

"Welcome to the world Aurora," he said as Maya and Josh smiled looking at their daughter.

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